Aaron Wecksler - Technical Development Senior Principal Scientist, Protein Analytical Chemistry / Process Technical Development

Aaron Wecksler

Technical Development Senior Principal Scientist, Protein Analytical Chemistry / Process Technical Development

Postdoc Mentor
"The Next Generation Patient needs the Next Generation Scientist"
Years at Genentech
Publications at Genentech
Awards & Honors

I started working at Genentech as a full time employee in 2014, after receiving my PhD from UC Santa Cruz, and performing NIH-funded postdoctoral research through the UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center. To date, my time at Genentech has been within the Protein Analytical Chemistry Department, focused on end-to-end, biotherapeutic characterization for early and late stage clinical molecules.

In addition to pipeline contributions, I have pioneered novel mass spectrometry-based technologies for protein structural elucidations, such as hydroxyl radical protein footprinting. This technology enables detailed understanding of molecular interfaces and structural changes that can aid in drug discovery and biotherapeutic development.

Postdoctoral Mentor

There is no greater privilege than mentoring talented young scientist, and I have been fortunate to mentor multiple postdoctoral fellows at Genentech. I take great pride in guiding young scientist along their scientific paths, watching their curiosity blossom, and assisting in their external influence with presentations and publications.

Featured Publication

Antibody-receptor interactions mediate antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity.

J Biol Chem. 2021

Yue Sun, Saeed Izadi, Matthew Callahan, Galahad Deperalta, Aaron T Wecksler