Bob Lazarus - Distinguished Scientist, Early Discovery Biochemistry, Drug Discovery

Bob Lazarus

Distinguished Scientist, Early Discovery Biochemistry, Drug Discovery

Postdoc Mentor
"Genentech is an incredibly exciting place to work. I love the opportunity to tackle complex biochemical, biological and medical problems in a multidisciplinary environment where I can collaborate with expert scientists with such diverse backgrounds. Great science, great people."
Years at Genentech
Publications at Genentech
Awards & Honors

I started working at Genentech in Jan 1983 after my PhD and postdoctoral studies in bioorganic chemistry and mechanistic enzymology at Penn State. I initially worked on biocatalysis projects (e.g. bioconversion of glucose to vitamin C), then transitioned to GP IIbIIIa antagonists from naturally occurring proteins as platelet aggregation inhibitors. Proteases, DNases, protein-protein interactions, peptide and protein scaffolds and protein engineering technologies to interrogate key biological pathways with activators or inhibitors have been my core areas of research. I have focused on serine proteases, pseudo-proteases and other targets using protein/peptide structure-function and allosteric regulation, generating both activators and inhibitors using both molecular and diversity approaches within a multidisciplinary group generating tools for drug development in diverse biological areas.

Postdoctoral Mentor

I have had the great privilege to mentor many talented postdoctoral fellows and students during my career at Genentech. I really enjoy the opportunity to work with them as they take on their research projects, unleashing their creativity and enthusiasm and going on to successful careers. They have a tremendous opportunity to work both independently and collaboratively and expand their knowledge and awareness of important biological problems as they interface across diverse disciplines.

Featured Publication

An allosteric switch for pro-HGF/Met signaling using zymogen activator peptides

Nature Chemical Biology 2014 [1552-4450]

Landgraf, Kyle E; Steffek, Micah; Quan, Clifford; Tom, Jeffrey; Yu, Christine; Santell, Lydia; Maun, Henry R; Eigenbrot, Charles; Lazarus, Robert A