Claudio Ciferri - Distinguished Scientist & Executive Director, Structural Biology, BioMolecular Resources, Drug Discovery

Claudio Ciferri

Distinguished Scientist & Executive Director, Structural Biology, BioMolecular Resources, Drug Discovery

Postdoc Mentor
"My lab uses cryo electron microscopy (Cryo-EM) to investigate the structure and function of challenging protein targets that are intractable with other structural biology techniques."
Years at Genentech
Publications at Genentech
Awards & Honors

I came to Genentech in 2014, after a Post-doc at the University of California at Berkeley in cryo-EM and a first appointment in Industry, where I used X-ray crystallography and electron microscopy to guide structure-based vaccine development against human cytomegalovirus (HCMV).

I joined our Structural Biology Department determined to establish a world-class cryo-EM group. This represents one of the very first cryo-EM groups in industry, worldwide. I feel incredibly fortunate to have received this opportunity and to work every day with such a pool of phenomenal and passionate scientists.

Postdoctoral Mentor

“Every so often a scientific field makes huge progress in a relatively short amount of time. Such is the case for Cryo-EM, where a ‘Resolution Revolution’, made possible by recent technical and computational developments, allows atomic structure determination of many previously intractable complexes (R. A. Crowther).”

At Genentech, our newly established Cryo-EM group provides a unique opportunity for Post-doctoral Fellows joining our team. This will include state-of-the-art technology for high-resolution data collection (Titan Krios equipped with K2 Direct Detector and Energy Filter & Talos Screening Microscope), a virtually unlimited computer cluster for data processing and the opportunity to be fostered in one of the most productive and scientifically stimulating research environments.

Featured Publication

A broadly protective therapeutic antibody against influenza B virus with two mechanisms of action.

Nat Commun. 2017 Jan 19;8:14234.

Chai N, Swem LR, Park S, Nakamura G, Chiang N, Estevez A, Fong R, Kamen L, Kho E, Reichelt M, Lin Z, Chiu H, Skippington E, Modrusan Z, Stinson J, Xu M, Lupardus P, Ciferri C, Tan MW.

GsdmD p30 elicited by caspase-11 during pyroptosis forms pores in membranes.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2016 Jul 12;113(28):7858-63.

Aglietti RA, Estevez A, Gupta A, Ramirez MG, Liu PS, Kayagaki N, Ciferri C, Dixit VM, Dueber EC.