Edward Wagstaff - Machine Learning Scientist, Prescient Design, Computational Sciences

Edward Wagstaff

Machine Learning Scientist, Prescient Design, Computational Sciences

"In my view, pharmaceutical research is the most promising application area for machine learning research today."
Years at Genentech

I joined Genentech in July 2022, shortly after completing a PhD in machine learning. Prior to my PhD, I spent several years in industry working as a software engineer. In my career so far, I’ve had great opportunities to develop my knowledge of both machine learning theory and engineering practice, and I’m excited to bring all that knowledge to bear on the challenging problems we’re tackling here.

Featured Publication

Universal Approximation of Functions on Sets

Year: 2022, Volume: 23, Issue: 151, Pages: 1−56

Edward Wagstaff, Fabian B. Fuchs, Martin Engelcke, Michael A. Osborne, Ingmar Posner.