Shiqi Xie - Principal Scientist, Discovery Oncology, Research Biology

Shiqi Xie

Principal Scientist, Discovery Oncology, Research Biology

"Proficiency in both the dry- and wet-lab skills is the key to success in modern biology research."
Years at Genentech
Awards & Honors

I was trained as a wet-lab scientist during graduate school, investigating the innate immune response during virus infection. And then I was fascinated by the latest genomic technologies and joined Gary Hon’s lab in UT Southwestern, Dallas for my postdoc trainings. During which I learned the construction of NGS libraries as well as building computational tools for large-scale data analysis. I developed a highly multiplexed functional screen assay for enhancers in which the CRISPR-based enhancer perturbation is combined with the single-cell RNA-seq readout. I joined Genentech in 2020 and lead a team in to perform the large-scale single-cell functional genomics assays. I strongly believe that the combination of both the wet and dry lab is the key to success in the modern biology researches and my lab is actively working on both aspects.

Featured Publication

Multiplexed engineering and analysis of combinatorial enhancer activity in single cells

Molecular cell, 2017

S Xie, J Duan, B Li, P Zhou, GC Hon