Wenxian Fu - Senior Principal Scientist, Cancer Immunology, Research Biology

Wenxian Fu

Senior Principal Scientist, Cancer Immunology, Research Biology

Postdoc Mentor
"Life is a journey filled with inspirations. I feel myself inspired every day at Genentech."
Years at Genentech
Awards & Honors

I joined Genentech in the summer of 2020. Prior to that, I was a faculty member at UCSD, starting as an Assistant Professor and promoted to Associate Professor with tenure. I made this career shift because I believe that Genentech is a very unique place that fosters both cutting-edge scientific research and ground-breaking therapies for patients. My role at Genentech is to lead a group focusing on dissecting tissue and tumor immune microenvironment, striving to identify novel therapeutic targets and the underlying mechanisms.

Postdoctoral Mentor

I have been very fortunate to have highly talented postdocs in my lab since I started my career as an independent investigator. Genentech offers a world-class postdoc program providing an exceptional environment for postdocs to reach their full potential. I feel privileged to be part of this program. It is a very rewarding experience.

Featured Publication

Fibroblast-macrophage reciprocal interactions in health, fibrosis, and cancer.

Immunity 54:903-15, 2021.

Buechler MB, Fu W, Turley SJ.

The role of macrophages in obesity-associated islet inflammation and beta-cell abnormalities.

Nat Rev Endocrinol. 2020 Feb;16(2):81-90

Ying W, Fu W, Lee YS, Olefsky JM.

Macrophages Lead to Islet Inflammation by Local Proliferation to Affect β Cell Proliferation and Function in Obesity.

Cell Metabolism 2019. 39: 457-474.

Ying W, Lee YS, Dong Y, Seidman J, Seo J, Yang M, Yang B, Wollam J, Riopel M, McNelis J, Glass CK, Olefsky JM and Fu W.

TCF1 and LEF1 control Treg competitive survival and Tfr differentiation to prevent autoimmune diseases.

Cell Reports 2019. 27:3629-3645.

Yang B, Wang K, Wan S, Liang Y, Yuan X, Dong Y, Cho S, Xu W, Jepsen K, Feng GS, Lu L, Xue H-H and Fu W.