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Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, ISSN: 00278424 10916490
Protein Engineering, Design and Selection, ISSN: 17410126 17410134
Molecular Cancer Therapeutics, ISSN: 15357163 15388514
BioProcess International, ISSN: 15426319
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Biomembranes, ISSN: 00052736 18792642
PLoS ONE, ISSN: 19326203
Nature, ISSN: 00280836 14764687
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, ISSN: 00278424 10916490
BMC Genomics, ISSN: 14712164
Journal of Experimental Medicine, ISSN: 00221007 15409538
PLoS ONE, ISSN: 19326203
Journal of Chromatography A, ISSN: 00219673 18733778
Journal of Cell Biology, ISSN: 00219525 15408140
Frontiers in Immunology, ISSN: 16643224
Nature Immunology, ISSN: 15292908 15292916
Frontiers in Immunology, ISSN: 16643224
Clinical Cancer Research, ISSN: 10780432 15573265
Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, ISSN: 0960894X 14643405
Gene, ISSN: 03781119 18790038
Journal of Biological Chemistry, ISSN: 00219258 1083351X
PLoS ONE, ISSN: 19326203
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, ISSN: 00278424 10916490
PLoS ONE, ISSN: 19326203
Journal of Molecular Biology, ISSN: 10898638 00222836
Cancer Cell, ISSN: 18783686 15356108
Cell Stem Cell, ISSN: 19345909 18759777
Journal of Virology, ISSN: 0022538X 10985514
Journal of General Physiology, ISSN: 00221295 15407748
Journal of Clinical Investigation, ISSN: 15588238 00219738
Oncogenesis, ISSN: 21579024
Current protocols in protein science / editorial board, John E. Coligan ... [et al.], ISSN: 19343655 19343663
Innovations in Pharmaceutical Technology, ISSN: 14717204
Journal of Separation Science, ISSN: 16159306 16159314
Clinical Pharmacokinetics, ISSN: 11791926 03125963
Biotechnology Progress, ISSN: 87567938 15206033
Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology, ISSN: 17437555 17437563
Biotechnology Progress, ISSN: 87567938 15206033
Patient, ISSN: 11781653 11781661
Cancer, ISSN: 0008543X 10970142
Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, ISSN: 07317085 1873264X
Nature Chemical Biology, ISSN: 15524450 15524469
Journal of Immunology, ISSN: 00221767 15506606
Regulatory Peptides, ISSN: 01670115 18731686
Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, ISSN: 02692813 13652036
Microbes and Infection, ISSN: 12864579 1769714X
Journal of Separation Science, ISSN: 16159306 16159314
European Journal of Human Genetics, ISSN: 10184813 14765438
Pharmaceutical Statistics, ISSN: 15391604 15391612
Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, ISSN: 0960894X 14643405
Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, ISSN: 0960894X 14643405