Genentech scientists are encouraged to be creative and active members of the scientific community. We are proud of our publication record in Science, Nature, Cell, and other prestigious peer-reviewed journals, where our annual output consistently rivals or surpasses that of the top academic institutions.
Cardiovascular Research, ISSN: 17553245
Cell, ISSN: 10974172 00928674
EMBO Journal, ISSN: 14602075 02614189
Cells, ISSN: 20734409
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry,
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, ISSN: 15204804
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, ISSN: 15204804 00222623
Cancer immunology research, ISSN: 23266074
Journal of Visualized Experiments, ISSN: 1940087X
Clinical Cancer Research, ISSN: 10780432
Cancer immunology research,
Clinical and Translational Allergy,
Haematologica, ISSN: 15928721 03906078
Haemophilia, ISSN: 13652516 13518216
Cells, ISSN: 20734409
European Journal of Cancer, ISSN: 18790852 09598049
Drug Metabolism and Disposition, ISSN: 1521009X 00909556
Clinical and Translational Allergy, ISSN: 20457022
Advanced Healthcare Materials, ISSN: 21922659 21922640
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, ISSN: 15206017 00223549
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, ISSN: 15206017 00223549
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, ISSN: 15206017 00223549
AAPS PharmSciTech, ISSN: 15309932
Clinical and Translational Gastroenterology,
Journal of Visualized Experiments, ISSN: 1940087X
Advances in Therapy, ISSN: 18658652 0741238X
Nature Chemistry, ISSN: 17554330
Toxicologic Pathology, ISSN: 15331601 01926233
Journal of Comparative Effectiveness Research, ISSN: 20426305
Gut, ISSN: 14683288
Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, ISSN: 15524604 00912700
Clinical Lymphoma, Myeloma and Leukemia, ISSN: 21522669 21522650
Clinical Lymphoma, Myeloma and Leukemia, ISSN: 21522669 21522650
Clinical and Translational Gastroenterology, ISSN: 2155384X
Cancer immunology research, ISSN: 23266074 23266066
Journal of Comparative Effectiveness Research, ISSN: 20426313 20426305
Advances in Therapy, ISSN: 18658652 0741238X
Clinical Cancer Research, ISSN: 15573265 10780432
Nature Chemistry, ISSN: 17554349 17554330
Analytical Chemistry, ISSN: 00032700
Analytical Chemistry, ISSN: 15206882 00032700
eLife, ISSN: 2050084X
Journal of Immunology, ISSN: 00221767
Journal of Immunology, ISSN: 15506606 00221767
Oncologist, ISSN: 1549490X
Journal of Chromatography A, ISSN: 18733778 00219673
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, ISSN: 10916490
EMBO Reports, ISSN: 14693178 1469221X