Genentech scientists are encouraged to be creative and active members of the scientific community. We are proud of our publication record in Science, Nature, Cell, and other prestigious peer-reviewed journals, where our annual output consistently rivals or surpasses that of the top academic institutions.
Hepatology, ISSN: 02709139
Analytical Chemistry, ISSN: 00032700
Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, ISSN: 00652598
Ethnicity and Disease, ISSN: 19450826 1049510X
Journal of Histotechnology, ISSN: 20460236 01478885
Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs, ISSN: 17447658 13543784
Discovery DMPK Quick Guide: Guide to Data Interpretation and Integration,
Journal of Asthma, ISSN: 15324303 02770903
Clinical and Translational Science, ISSN: 17528062 17528054
Pharmaceutical Research, ISSN: 07248741
JAMA Oncology, ISSN: 23742437
Advanced Healthcare Materials, ISSN: 21922640
Molecular Pharmaceutics, ISSN: 15438384
Altex, ISSN: 1868596X
Nanoscale Advances, ISSN: 25160230
Molecular Oncology, ISSN: 18780261 15747891
Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research, ISSN: 19466315
Nature Medicine, ISSN: 1546170X 10788956
COPD: Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, ISSN: 15412563 15412555
American Journal of Ophthalmology, ISSN: 18791891 00029394
American Journal of Ophthalmology, ISSN: 18791891 00029394
Thorax, ISSN: 14683296 00406376
Nature Genetics, ISSN: 10614036
Synthesis (Germany), ISSN: 00397881
Haemophilia, ISSN: 13518216
CPT: Pharmacometrics and Systems Pharmacology,
COPD: Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, ISSN: 15412563 15412555
Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal,
Clinical Pharmacokinetics, ISSN: 03125963
Hepatology, ISSN: 15273350 02709139
Analytical Chemistry, ISSN: 15206882 00032700
eLife, ISSN: 2050084X
Proceedings of Machine Learning Research,
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, ISSN: 10495258
Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, ISSN: 14682060
CPT: Pharmacometrics and Systems Pharmacology, ISSN: 21638306
ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters,
Journal of the American Chemical Society, ISSN: 00027863
Leukemia and Lymphoma, ISSN: 10428194
Organic Process Research and Development, ISSN: 10836160
Veterinary Clinical Pathology, ISSN: 02756382
Nature Biotechnology, ISSN: 15461696 10870156
mAbs, ISSN: 19420870
Molecular Pharmaceutics, ISSN: 15438392 15438384
Organic Letters, ISSN: 15237060
Toxicologic Pathology, ISSN: 01926233
Nature Biotechnology, ISSN: 10870156
JAMA Neurology, ISSN: 21686149
Nature Aging,