
Genentech scientists are encouraged to be creative and active members of the scientific community. We are proud of our publication record in Science, Nature, Cell, and other prestigious peer-reviewed journals, where our annual output consistently rivals or surpasses that of the top academic institutions.

DISPLAYING 5751 - 5800 OF 15217 RESULTS

Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, ISSN: 15206017 00223549
Deirdre Murphy Piedmonte; Alison Hair; Priti Baker; Lejla Brych; Karthik Nagapudi; Hong Lin; Wenjin Cao; Susan Hershenson; Gayathri Ratnaswamy
Annals of Oncology, ISSN: 15698041 09237534
Ian E. Krop; Lin; Kimberly Blackwell; Ellie Guardino; Huober; Michael W. Lu; David W. Miles; Meghna Samant; Manfred Welslau; Diéras
ACS Symposium Series, ISSN: 19475918 00976156
Ivar Kljavin; Kevin McCarthy; Dieter Schmalzing
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, ISSN: 15525783 01460404
Kapil Gadkar; Cinthia V Pastuskovas; Jennifer Le Couter; J. Michael Elliott; Jianhuan Zhang; Chingwei V. Lee; Sarah Sanowar; Fuh; Hok Seon Kim; T. Noelle Lombana; Christoph Spiess; Makia Nakamura; Hass; Whitney Shatz; Meng; Justin M. Scheer
ACS Symposium Series, ISSN: 19475918 00976156
Yatin Gokarn; Sanjeev Agarwal; Kelly Arthur; Alexander Bepperling; Eric S. Day; Dana I. Filoti; Daniel G. Greene; David Hayes; Rachel Kroe-Barrett; Thomas M. Laue; Jasper C. Lin; Brian McGarry; Vladimir Razinkov; Sanjaya Singh; Rosalynn Taing; Sathyadevi Venkataramani; William Weiss; Danlin Yang; Isidro E. Zarraga
Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, ISSN: 18734316 13892010
Chenguang Zhou; Zhaogang Yang; Lesheng Teng
Journal of Nuclear Medicine, ISSN: 01615505
Sjoukje F. Oosting; Adrienne H. Brouwers; Suzanne C. Van Es; Wouter B. Nagengast; Thijs H. Oude Munnink; Marjolijn N. Lub-de Hooge; Harry Hollema; Johan R. De Jong; Igle J. De Jong; Sanne De Haas; Stefan J. Scherer; Wim J. Sluiter; Rudi A. Dierckx; Alfons H.H. Bongaerts; Jourik A. Gietema; Elisabeth G. E. De Vries
Translational Lung Cancer Research, ISSN: 22264477 22186751
Raymond U. Osarogiagbon; Federico Cappuzzo; Tudor Ciuleanu; Larry Leon; Barbara Klughammer
Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, ISSN: 15524604 00912700
Xiaodong Wang; Matthew Hruska; Phyllis Chan; Alaa Ahmad; Jeremy Freeman; Maria Arantxa Horga; Jan Hillson; Vikram Kansra; Juan-Carlos Lopez-Talavera
Oncotarget, ISSN: 19492553
Lindi Chen; Raphaël F. Rousseau; Steven A. Middleton; Gwen L. Nichols; David R. Newell; John Lunec; Deborah A. Tweddle
LC-GC Europe, ISSN: 14716577
Mengling Wong; Brent Murphy; Joseph H. Pease; Michael W. Dong
Bioengineered, ISSN: 21655987 21655979
Karthik Veeravalli; Mike Laird
Frontiers in Immunology, ISSN: 16643224
Gabrielle McDonald; Nicholas Cabal; Augustin Vannier; Benjamin Umiker; Raymund H. Yin; Arturo V. Orjalo; Hans E. Johansson; Jin-Hwan Han; Thereza Imanishi-Kari
Scientific World Journal, ISSN: 1537744X 23566140
Savita V. Dandapani; Ying Zhang; Richard Jennelle; Yvonne G. Lin
Future Oncology, ISSN: 17448301 14796694
Christian Jackisch; Frank A. Scappaticci; Dominik Heinzmann; Fabio Bisordi; Thomas Schreitmüller; Gunter Von Minckwitz; Javier Cortés
Thorax, ISSN: 14683296 00406376
Daryle J. DePianto; Sanjay Chandriani; Abbas Alexander; Guiquan Jia; Elsa N. N'Diaye; Patrick Caplazi; Steven E. Kauder; Sabyasachi Biswas; Satyajit K. Karnik; Connie Ha; Zora Modrusan; Michael A. Matthay; Kukreja; Harold R. Collard; Jackson G. Egen; Paul J. Wolters; Joseph R. Arron
Journal of Neuroscience, ISSN: 15292401 02706474
Shih-Ching Lo; Yuanyuan Wang; Martin Weber; Jessica L. Larson; Kimberly Scearce-Levie; Morgan Sheng
Receptor Tyrosine Kinases: Family and Subfamilies,
Guanglei Zhuang; Napoleone Ferrara
Genes and Cancer, ISSN: 19476027 19476019
Chen; James Lee; Noelyn Kljavin; Benjamin Haley; Anneleen Daemen; Leisa Johnson; Yuxin Liang
Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism, ISSN: 1532866X 00490172
Jeffrey R. Curtis; Susana Perez-Gutthann; Samy Suissa; Pavel Napalkov; Natasha Singh; Liz Thompson; Benjamin Porter-Brown
Journal of Hepatology, ISSN: 16000641 01688278
Jordan J. Feld; Ira M. Jacobson; Donald Jensen; Graham R. Foster; Stanislas Pol; Edward Tam; Maciej Jablkowski; Hanna Berak; John M. Vierling; Eric Yoshida; Héctor R. Perez-Gomez; Astrid Scalori; Gregory J. Hooper; Jorge A. Tavel; Mercidita T. Navarro; Saba Shahdad; Rohit Kulkarni; Sophie Le Pogam; Nájera; Simon Eng; Chin Yin Lim; Nancy Shulman; Ellen S. Yetzer
EMBO Journal, ISSN: 14602075 02614189
Derek A. Holmes; Jung-Hua Yeh; Donghong Yan; Min Xu; Andrew A. Chan
Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, ISSN: 15524604 00912700
Matthew Hruska; Xiaodong Wang; Phyllis Chan; Alaa Ahmad; Jeremy Freeman; Maria Arantxa Horga; Jan Hillson; Vikram Kansra; Juan-Carlos Lopez-Talavera
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, ISSN: 15206017 00223549
Patrick Poulin; Yunghsiang Chen; Xiao Ding; Stephen Gould; Cornelis E. Hop; Kirsten Messick; Jason Oeh; Bianca M. Liederer
Pharmazeutische Industrie, ISSN: 0031711X
Tobias Posset; Misael Schleger; Fred Lim; Mumenthaler; Sebastian Schneider; Thomas Kaiser
Developments in Ophthalmology, ISSN: 16622790 02503751
Roman G. Rubio; Anthony P. Adamis
mAbs, ISSN: 19420870 19420862
Paul W. H. I. Parren; Dennis R. Burton; Andrew Bradbury; James S. Huston; Paul J. Carter; Trudi Veldman; Kerry A. Chester; James W. Larrick; Mark R. Alfenito; Jamie K. Scott; Louis M. Weiner; Gregory P. Adams; Janice M. Reichert
Oncotarget, ISSN: 19492553
Eva J. ter Weele; Anton G.T. Terwisscha van Scheltinga; Jos G.W. Kosterink; Linda Pot; Silke R. Vedelaar; Laetitia E. Lamberts; Simon P. Williams; Marjolijn N. Lub-de Hooge; Elisabeth G. E. De Vries
Pharmaceutical Engineering, ISSN: 02738139
Earl S. Dye; John Groskoph; Kelley; George Millili; Moheb Nasr; Christopher J. Potter; Eric Thostesen; Hans Vermeersch
BioMed Research International, ISSN: 23146141 23146133
Maura Di Nicola; Giulio Barteselli; Laura Dell'Arti; Roberto Ratiglia; Francesco Viola
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, ISSN: 10976825 00916749
Aidan Long; Kenneth J. Rothman; Hubert Chen; Gillis Carrigan; Stanley J. Szefler
Liver International, ISSN: 14783231 14783223
Edward J. Gane; Pockros; Stefan Zeuzem; Marcellin; Anna Shikhman; Coen A. Bernaards; Julian Zhou; Ellen S. Yetzer; Rosa Ballester; Cindy Dwyer; Xiao Tong; Nájera; Anne Bertasso; Janet Hammond; Amy Kindrick; Peter N. Morcos; Patrick F. Smith; Saray Stancic; Nancy Shulman
Results and Problems in Cell Differentiation, ISSN: 18610412 00801844
Kate Senger; Jason A. Hackney; Jian Payandeh; Ali A. Zarrin
Arthritis and Rheumatology, ISSN: 23265205 23265191
Wei Yu Lin; Dhaya Seshasayee; Wyne P. Lee; Patrick Caplazi; Sami McVay; Eric Suto; Allen Nguyen; Zhonghua Lin; Yonglian Sun; Laura DeForge; Mercedesz Balazs; Flavius Martin; Ali A. Zarrin
Current Opinion in Pharmacology, ISSN: 14714973 14714892
Ian E. Templeton; Luna Musib
Oncotarget, ISSN: 19492553
Jeffrey Settleman
ACS Symposium Series, ISSN: 19475918 00976156
Oleg V. Borisov; Melissa Alvarez; James A. Carroll; Paul W. Brown
BioProcess International, ISSN: 15426319
Vanderlaan; Wendy N. Sandoval; Peter S. Liu; Julie C. Nishihara; George Tsui; Margaret Lin; Feny Gunawan; Sara Parker; Robert Ming Wong; Justin Low; Xiangdan Wang; Yang; Karthik Veeravalli; McKay; X. Christopher Yu; O'Connell; Benjamin Tran; Rajesh Vij; Chris Fong; Kathleen Francissen; Judith Zhu-Shimoni; Quarmby; Denise C. Krawitz
Managed Care, ISSN: 10623388
Thomas Morrow
Clinical Cancer Research, ISSN: 15573265 10780432
Hirdesh Uppal; Estelle Doudement; Kaushiki Mahapatra; Darbonne; Daniela Bumbaca; Shen; Xiaoyan Du; Ola M. Saad; Kristin Harden; Steve Olsen; Gail L. Phillips; Dylan P. Hartley; Mark X. Sliwkowski; Sandhya Girish; Donna M. Dambach; Vanitha Ramakrishnan
Hepato-Gastroenterology, ISSN: 01726390
Peter N. Morcos; Ruby Leong; James A. Thommes; Jean De Pamphilis; Joseph F. Grippo; Barbara J. Brennan
Therapeutic Innovation and Regulatory Science, ISSN: 21684804 21684790
Risa P. Hayes; Steven I. Blum; Mark Forrest Gordon; Elisabeth Piault; Laurie B. Burke; Ashley F. Slagle; Stephen Joel Coons
Translational Oncology, ISSN: 19365233
Kai H. Barck; Hani Bou-Reslan; Ujjawal Rastogi; Timothy Sakhuja; Jason E. Long; Rafael Molina; Anthony Lima; Patricia Hamilton; Melissa Junttila; Leisa Johnson; Richard A. D. Carano
Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, ISSN: 15222586 10531807
Gregory Z. Ferl; James P.B. O'Connor; Geoff J. M. Parker; Richard A. D. Carano; Shiv J. Acharya; Gordon C. Jayson; Ruediger E. Port
Clinical Cancer Research, ISSN: 15573265 10780432
Debashis Sarker; Joo Ern Ang; Richard Baird; Rebecca Kristeleit; Krunal Shah; Victor Moreno; Paul A. Clarke; Florence I. Raynaud; Gallia Levy; Joseph A. Ware; Kathryn Mazina; Ray Lin; Jenny Q. Wu; Jill Fredrickson; Jill M. Spoerke; Lackner; Yibing Yan; Lori S. Friedman; Stanley B. Kaye; Mika K. Derynck; Paul Workman; De Bono
RSC Drug Discovery Series, ISSN: 20413211 20413203
Kristi L. Budzinski
Nature Communications, ISSN: 20411723
Nadia Martinez-Martin; Abel Viejo-Borbolla; Rocío Martín; Soledad Blanco; Jeffrey L. Benovic; Marcus Thelen; Antonio Alcamí
Anti-Cancer Drugs, ISSN: 14735741 09594973
Stephen M. Eppler; Michael S. Gordon; Charles H. Redfern; Caroline Trudeau; Xu; Kelong Han; Bert L. Lum
Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders, ISSN: 08930341
Daniel M. Gilden; Joanna M. Kubisiak; Khaled Sarsour; Craig A. Hunter
RSC Drug Discovery Series, ISSN: 20413211 20413203
Anthony M. Giannetti; Houston N. Gilbert; Donald P. Huddler; Mac Reiter; Chris Strande; Keith Pitts; Brandon Bravo