
Genentech scientists are encouraged to be creative and active members of the scientific community. We are proud of our publication record in Science, Nature, Cell, and other prestigious peer-reviewed journals, where our annual output consistently rivals or surpasses that of the top academic institutions.

DISPLAYING 10651 - 10700 OF 15217 RESULTS

Journal of Biological Chemistry, ISSN: 00219258
Astrid A. Ruefli-Brasse; Wyne P. Lee; Stephen D. Hurst; Vishva M. Dixit
Nature, ISSN: 00280836
Honglin Zhou; Ingrid E. Wertz; Karen M. O'Rourke; Ultsch; Somasekar Seshagiri; Mike Eby; Wei Xiao; Vishva M. Dixit
Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, ISSN: 09680896
Denise A. Ockey; Jennafer Dotson; Martin Struble; Stults; James H. Bourell; Clark; Thomas Gadek
American Heart Journal, ISSN: 00028703
Mushabbar A. Syed; Steven Borzak; Abed Asfour; Madhavi Gunda; Omar Obeidat; Sabina A. Murphy; Raymond J. Gibbons; Steven G. Gourlay; Hal V. Barron; W.Douglas Weaver; Michael Hudson
Current Opinion in Nephrology and Hypertension, ISSN: 10624821
Barry M. Brenner; Marc R. Hammerman; Matthew R. Weir; Ronald C. Blantz; Pierre M. Ronco
Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, ISSN: 10811206
Chantal M. Dolan; Kyle Fraher; Eugene R. Bleecker; Larry Borish; Bradley E. Chipps; Mary Lou Hayden; Weiss; Zheng; Charles A. Johnson; Sally E. Wenzel
Journal of Immunology, ISSN: 00221767
Kerstin N. Schmidt; Beatrice Leung; Mandy Kwong; Kol A. Zarember; Sanjeev Satyal; Tony A. Navas; Fay Wang; Godowski
American Pharmaceutical Review, ISSN: 10998012
Peter Bland
American Journal of Physiology - Renal Physiology, ISSN: 03636127
Markus Hosch; Juergen Muser; Henry N. Hulter; Reto Krapf
Prostate, ISSN: 02704137
Ingela Franck Lissbrant; Peter Hammarsten; Erik Lissbrant; Napoleone Ferrara; Stina Häggström Rudolfsson; Anders Bergh
Nature Medicine, ISSN: 10788956
Scott T. Avecilla; Koichi Hattori; Beate Heissig; Rafael Tejada; Fang Liao; Koji Shido; David K. Jin; Sergio Dias; Fan Zhang; Travis E. Hartman; Neil R. Hackett; Crystal; Larry Witte; Daniel J. Hicklin; Peter Bohlen; Dan L. Eaton; David Lyden; Frederic J. De Sauvage; Shahin Rafii
Journal of Immunological Methods, ISSN: 00221759
Chingwei V. Lee; Sachdev S. Sidhu; Fuh
Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, ISSN: 0960894X
Denise A. Ockey; Thomas Gadek
Experimental Cell Research, ISSN: 00144827
Sayumi Shibamoto; Jane Winer; Mickey P. Williams; Paul G. Polakis
Drug Discovery Today: TARGETS, ISSN: 17418372
Jean-Philippe Stephan
American Journal of Pathology, ISSN: 00029440
Robert D. Galiano; Oren M. Tepper; Catherine R. Pelo; Kirit A. Bhatt; Matthew Callaghan; Nicholas Bastidas; Bunting; Hope Steinmetz; Geoffrey C. Gurtner
Seminars in Musculoskeletal Radiology, ISSN: 1098898X 10897860
Richard A. D. Carano; John A. Lynch
Clinical Breast Cancer, ISSN: 15268209
Debasish Tripathy; Andrew Seidman; Deborah Keefe; Clifford Hudis; Virginia Paton; Lieberman
Drug Information Journal, ISSN: 00928615
Stacey M. Fung; Joyce Serrano Martin
Cancer Cell, ISSN: 15356108
Nan Tang; Lianchun Wang; Jeffrey Esko; Frank J. Giordano; Yan Huang; Hans-Peter Gerber; Napoleone Ferrara; Randall S. Johnson
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, ISSN: 00223549
Chee Ng; Yun-De Xiao; Wendy Putnam; Bert L. Lum; Alexander Tropsha
Cytotherapy, ISSN: 14653249
Judy C. Young; Wu; Hansteen; Du; Sambucetti; Remiszewski; O'Farrell; Hill; Lavau; Lesley J. Murray
Current Medicinal Chemistry, ISSN: 09298673
Lazarus; Alan G. Olivero; Eigenbrot; Daniel Kirchhofer
Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, ISSN: 10811206
Jonathan Corren; David Diaz-Sanchez; Andrew Saxon; Yamo Deniz; Reimann; Sinclair; Teresa Davancaze; Daniel C. Adelman
American Journal of Pathology, ISSN: 00029440
French; Raji J. Kaul; Aloma L. D'Souza; Crowley; Bao; Gretchen D. Frantz; Ellen H. Filvaroff; Luc Desnoyers
Biotechnology Progress, ISSN: 87567938
Mike Mollet; Ningning Ma; Yang Zhao; Robert Brodkey; Ron Taticek; Jeffrey J. Chalmers
Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, ISSN: 1420682X
Alexander W. Koch; Manzur; Shan
Current Opinion in Pharmacology, ISSN: 14714892
Kelley; Avi Ashkenazi
Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism, ISSN: 0334018X
Jennifer J. Bell; Gilbert P. August; Sandra L. Blethen; Joyce Baptista
Cancer Cell, ISSN: 15356108
Monica Kong-Beltran; Jennifer Stamos; Dineli Wickramasinghe
Spectroscopy, ISSN: 07124813
Nicholas J. Skelton; Schaffer; Deshayes; Tamas Blandl; Steven T. Runyon; Nakamura; Sachdev S. Sidhu
Techniques in Vascular and Interventional Radiology, ISSN: 10892516
Charles P. Semba; Mahmood K Razavi; Stephen T. Kee; Daniel Y. Sze; Michael D. Dake
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, ISSN: 00223549
Steven J. Shire; Shahrokh; Jun Liu
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, ISSN: 00223549
Scott A. Tobler; Bryan W. Holmes; Cromwell; Erik J. Fernandez
Journal of Immunological Methods, ISSN: 00221759
Mire-Sluis; Yu Chen Barrett; Viswanath Devanarayan; Koren; Hank Liu; Mauricio Maia; Thomas Parish; George Scott; Gopi Shankar; Elizabeth Shores; Steven J. Swanson; Gary Taniguchi; Daniel Wierda; Linda A. Zuckerman
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, ISSN: 00778923
Jennifer Lecouter; Rui Lin; Napoleone Ferrara
Journal of Antibiotics, ISSN: 00218820
Michael R. Leadbetter; Stacy M. Adams; Bettina Bazzini; Paul R. Fatheree; Dane E. Karr; Kevin M. Krause; Bernice M.T. Lam; Martin S. Linsell; Matthew B. Nodwell; John Pace; Kelly Quast; Jeng-Pyng Shaw; Elizabeth Soriano; Sean Trapp; Jenny D. Villena; Terry X. Wu; Burton G. Christensen; J. Kevin Judice
Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, ISSN: 14741776
Napoleone Ferrara; Kenneth J. Hillan; Hans-Peter Gerber; Novotny
Nature Reviews Cancer, ISSN: 1474175X
Andreas Gschwind; Oliver M. Fischer; Axel Ullrich
Cancer Cell, ISSN: 15356108
Matthew C Franklin; Kendall Carey; Vajdos; Daniel J. Leahy; De Vos; Mark X. Sliwkowski
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, ISSN: 00223549
Samir Sane; Wong; Chung C. Hsu
Assay and Drug Development Technologies, ISSN: 1540658X
Laura DeForge; Andrea G. Cochan; Sherry Yeh; Brian S. Robinson; Karen L Billeci; Wai Lee T. Tong
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, ISSN: 07403194
Richard A. D. Carano; Adrienne L. Ross; Ross; Simon P. Williams; Koeppen; Ralph H. Schwall; Nicholas Van Bruggen
International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, ISSN: 03603016
Robert Mass
Genomics, ISSN: 08887543
Sandra Klur; Toy; Mickey P. Williams; Ulrich Certa
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics, ISSN: 13691473
Leadbetter; Spaniolo
Thrombosis and Haemostasis, ISSN: 03406245
Sabine Raab; Heike Beck; Andreas Gaumann; Ali Yüce; Hans-Peter Gerber; Karl Plate; Hans-Peter Hammes; Napoleone Ferrara; Georg Breier
Hospital Pharmacy, ISSN: 00185787
Stacey M. Fung; Mary J. Ferrill
Protein Journal, ISSN: 18758355 15723887
Samantha Lien; Richard Pastor; Daniel P. Sutherlin; Henry B. Lowman
Microbes and Infection, ISSN: 1769714X 12864579
Luisa M. Stamm; Eric J. Brown