
Genentech scientists are encouraged to be creative and active members of the scientific community. We are proud of our publication record in Science, Nature, Cell, and other prestigious peer-reviewed journals, where our annual output consistently rivals or surpasses that of the top academic institutions.

DISPLAYING 11101 - 11150 OF 15217 RESULTS

Thrombosis and Haemostasis, ISSN: 03406245
Yang; Geoffrey F. Lee; Markus A. Riederer; Robert F. Kelley
BioPharm, ISSN: 10408304
Timothy N. Breece; Ellen Gilkerson; Charles H. Schmelzer
Pharmaceutical Technology, ISSN: 01478087
Hans Koning-Bastiaan
Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology, ISSN: 10849521
Jennifer Lecouter; Napoleone Ferrara
Journal of Clinical Oncology, ISSN: 0732183X
Steven R. Deitcher; Mark R Fesen; Paul M Kiproff; Hill; Xin Li; Edward R. McCluskey; Charles P. Semba
Nature Medicine, ISSN: 10788956
Heidi LeBlanc; David Lawrence; Eugene Varfolomeev; Klara Totpal; John Morlan; Peter Schow; Fong; Ralph H. Schwall; Sinicropi; Avi Ashkenazi
Physiological Genomics, ISSN: 15312267
Mary E. Gerritsen; Robert Soriano; Suya Yang; Gladys S. Ingle; Constance Zlot; Toy; Jane Winer; Aparna Draksharapu; Franklin V. Peale Jr.; Thomas D Wu; P. Mickey Williams
Cancer Cell, ISSN: 15356108
Agus; Robert W. Akita; Fox; Gail D. Lewis; Higgins; Paul Pisacane; Julie A. Lofgren; Charles Tindell; Douglas P. Evans; Maiese; Scher; Mark X. Sliwkowski
Oncogene, ISSN: 09509232
Miranda Thomas; Richard Laura; Karin Hepner; Ernesto Guccione; Charles L. Sawyers; Lasky; Lawrence Banks
Journal of Immunological Methods, ISSN: 00221759
Chestnut; Quarmby
Experimental Nephrology, ISSN: 10187782
Mary E. Gerritsen; Franklin V. Peale Jr.; Thomas D Wu
Seminars in Oncology, ISSN: 00937754
Grillo-Lopez; Eric Hedrick; Michelle Rashford; Benyunes
British Journal of Cancer, ISSN: 00070920
Goh; Vokes; Amita Joshi; Ratain
Journal of Sex Research, ISSN: 00224499
Dawn M. Upchurch; Lee A. Lillard; Carol S. Aneshensel; Nicole F. Li
Cancer Cell, ISSN: 15356108
David B. Agus; Robert W. Akita; Fox; Gail D. Lewis; Higgins; Paul Pisacane; Julie A. Lofgren; Charles Tindell; Douglas P. Evans; Maiese; Scher; Mark X. Sliwkowski
Gastroenterology, ISSN: 00165085
Yevgeny Zolotarevsky; Athanasia Koutsouris; Deborah E. Gonzalez; Quan; Jeffrey Tom; Mrsny; Jerrold R. Turner
Journal of Immunology, ISSN: 00221767
Piotr Kuna; Sesha R. Reddigari; Thomas J. Schall; Doreen Rucinski; Michael Y. Viksman; Allen P. Kaplan
Biomedical Imaging in Experimental Neuroscience,
Richard A. D. Carano; Nicholas Van Bruggen; De Crespigny
Journal of Biological Chemistry, ISSN: 00219258
Andrew A. Peden; Grace Y. Park; Richard H. Scheller
Electrophoresis, ISSN: 01730835
Luba Mitnik; Mark Novotny; Chantal Felten; Scott Buonocore; Lance Koutny; Dieter Schmalzing
Nature Neuroscience, ISSN: 10976256
Weilan Ye; Maxime Bouchard; Donna Stone; Xiaodong Liu; Francis Vella; James Lee; Harukazu Nakamura; Siew-Lan Ang; Meinrad Busslinger; Rosenthal
JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association, ISSN: 00987484
Thomas B. Casale; John Condemi; Craig LaForce; Anjuli Nayak; Michael Rowe; Marc Watrous; Margaret McAlary; Angel Fowler-Taylor; Amy Racine; Niroo Gupta; Robert B. Fick Jr.; Giovanni Della Cioppa
Journal of Biological Chemistry, ISSN: 00219258
Luc Desnoyers; David Arnott; Diane Pennica
Pflugers Archiv European Journal of Physiology, ISSN: 00316768
Camenisch; Stroka; Gassmann; Wenger
Journal of Biological Chemistry, ISSN: 00219258
Frank C. Kischkel; David Lawrence; Antoine Tinel; Heidi LeBlanc; Arvind Virmani; Peter Schow; Adi Gazdar; John Blenis; David Arnott; Avi Ashkenazi
American Journal of Human Biology, ISSN: 10420533
Huicho; Pawson; León-Velarde; Rivera-Ch; Pacheco; Muro; Silva
Circulation, ISSN: 00097322
Kenneth W. Baran; Michel Nguyen; George McKendall; Costas Lambrew; Gary Dykstra; Sebastian T. Palmeri; Raymond J. Gibbons; Steven Borzak; Burton E. Sobel; Steven G. Gourlay; Amy Chen Rundle; C.Michael Gibson; Hal V. Barron
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, ISSN: 00278424
Suzie J. Scales; Bryan Y. Yoo; Richard H. Scheller
Bioseparation, ISSN: 0923179X
Gregory S. Blank; Gerardo Zapata; Fahrner; Milton; Yedinak; Knudsen; Charles H. Schmelzer
Prostate Journal, ISSN: 10955100
Reese; Fratesi; Corry; Novotny; Holmgren; Small
Journal of Immunology, ISSN: 00221767
Pan; French; Mao; Maruoka; Risser; James Lee; Foster; Aggarwal; Nicholes; Guillet; Peter Schow; Austin L. Gurney
Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, ISSN: 00099236
Carla Washington; Howell; Zuckerman; Tran; John Lowe; Mortesen; Fielder; Judy Fox; Janet Clarke
Trends in Biotechnology, ISSN: 01677799
Thomas D Wu
Microcirculation, ISSN: 10739688
Robert R. Langley; Ricarda Carlisle; Li Ma; Robert D. Specian; Mary E. Gerritsen; D. Neil Granger
Current Opinion in Chemical Biology, ISSN: 13675931
Andrea G Cochran
Proceedings of the International Instrumentation Symposium,
Steve Ward; Brian Bailey
Acta Haematologica, ISSN: 00015792
Napoleone Ferrara; Hans-Peter Gerber
American Journal of Cardiology, ISSN: 00029149
Brad G. Angeja; John H. Alexander; Richard Chin; Xin Li; Hal V. Barron; Paul W. Armstrong; Christopher B. Granger; Frans Van De Werf; C.Michael Gibson
Journal of Interferon and Cytokine Research, ISSN: 10799907
Aggarwal; Xie; Maruoka; Foster; Austin L. Gurney
European Heart Journal, ISSN: 0195668X
Frans Van De Werf; Hal V. Barron; Paul W. Armstrong; Christopher B. Granger; Berioli; Barbash; Pehrsson; Verheugt; Meyer; Betriu; Robert M. Califf; Xin Li; Fox
Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, ISSN: 00099236
Sun; Marian; Schoenhoff; Sinclair; Pick
European Journal of Neuroscience, ISSN: 0953816X
Gerlai; Alexander McNamara; Choi-Lundberg; Armanini; Ross; Powell-Braxton; Phillips
AAPS Journal, ISSN: 15507416
Dea Herrera-Ruiz; Wang; Thomas J. Cook; Gregory T. Knipp; Gudmundsson; Smith; Teresa N. Faria
Journal of Experimental Medicine, ISSN: 00221007
Haoran Zhao; Minhong Yan; Hua Wang; Sharon Erickson; Iqbal S. Grewal; Vishva M. Dixit
Journal of the American College of Cardiology, ISSN: 07351097
Shoshana Zevin; Sandra Saunders; Steven G. Gourlay; Peyton Jacob III; Neal L. Benowitz
Oncology, ISSN: 00302414
Charles L. Vogel; Melody A. Cobleigh; Debasish Tripathy; John C. Gutheil; Lyndsay N. Harris; Louis Fehrenbacher; Dennis J. Slamon; Maureen Murphy; Novotny; Michael Burchmore; Steven Shak; Stanford J. Stewart
Journal of the American College of Cardiology, ISSN: 07351097
Hal V. Barron; Steven D. Harr; Martha J. Radford; Yongfei Wang; Harlan M. Krumholz
Pharmaceutical Research, ISSN: 07248741
Cytokine, ISSN: 10434666
Leong; Laura DeForge; Presta; Gonzalez; Audrey Fan; Marcel Reichert; Anan Chuntharapai; Jin Kim; Daniel B. Tumas; Wyne P. Lee; Gribling; Snedecor; Han Chen; Vanessa Hsei; Schoenhoff; Victoria Hale; James Deveney; Iphigenia Koumenis; Shahrokh; McKay; Walter Galan; Brian Wagner; Narindray; Hébert; Gerardo Zapata
Cytokine, ISSN: 10434666
Bhawanjit K. Brar; Anastatis Stephanou; Diane Pennica; David S. Latchman