
Genentech scientists are encouraged to be creative and active members of the scientific community. We are proud of our publication record in Science, Nature, Cell, and other prestigious peer-reviewed journals, where our annual output consistently rivals or surpasses that of the top academic institutions.

DISPLAYING 12151 - 12200 OF 15217 RESULTS

Developments in biological standardization, ISSN: 03015149
Eleanor Canova-Davis
Developments in biological standardization, ISSN: 03015149
Experimental Neurology, ISSN: 00144886
Choi-Lundberg; Qing Lin; Tim Schallert; Donita Crippens; Beverly L. Davidson; Yung-Nien Chang; Yawen L. Chiang; Jiang Qian; Leena Bardwaj; Martha C. Bohn
Journal of Drug Targeting, ISSN: 1061186X
Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography, ISSN: 09074449
Hans W. Christinger; Patricia A. Elkins; Yael Sandowski; Edna Sakal; Arieh Gertler; Anthony A. Kossiakoff; De Vos
Stem Cells, ISSN: 10665099
Gerard Wagemaker; Karen J. Neelis; Simone C. C. Hartong; Albertus W. Wognum; G. Roger Thomas; Fielder; Dan L. Eaton
Methods in Molecular Biology, ISSN: 10643745
Masover; Becker
Methods in Molecular Biology, ISSN: 10643745
Masover; Becker
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, ISSN: 00223549
Tue H. Nguyen
Chest, ISSN: 00123692
Priscilla S. A. Sarinas; Terry E. Robinson; Clark; James Canfield Jr.; Rajinder K. Chitkara; Robert B. Fick Jr.
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, ISSN: 0021972X
Quarmby; Quan; Victor Ling; Peter G. Compton; Eleanor Canova-Davis
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, ISSN: 0021972X
David B. Allen; Joanne R. Julius; Timothy J. Breen; Kenneth M. Attie
Advances in Protein Chemistry, ISSN: 00653233
Anthony A. Kossiakoff; De Vos
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, ISSN: 0271678X
Nicholas Van Bruggen; Busch; James T. Palmer; Simon P. Williams; De Crespigny
Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology, ISSN: 00222828
Schoenfeld; Vasser; Jhurani; Peter Ng; John J. Hunter; John Ross Jr.; Kenneth R. Chien; David G Lowe
Journal of Virology, ISSN: 0022538X
Jeffrey S. Glenn; James C. Marsters Jr.; Harry B. Greenberg
Hormone and Metabolic Research, ISSN: 00185043
Kaplowitz; Amy Chen Rundle; Sandra L. Blethen
Journal of Infectious Diseases, ISSN: 00221899
Andrew Carr; Scan Emery; Andrew Lloyd; Jennifer Hoy; Roger Garsia; Martyn French; Graeme Stewart; Gwendolyn Fyfe; David A. Cooper
American Journal of Pathology, ISSN: 00029440
Sam Mesiano; Napoleone Ferrara; Robert B. Jaffe
Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, ISSN: 00379727
Michael S. Clegg; Sharon M. Donovan; Marcia H. Monaco; Deborah L. Baly; Jodi L. Ensunsa; Carl L. Keen
Endocrine, ISSN: 15590100 1355008X
King; Jane Winer; David M. Phillips; James Quach; P. Mickey Williams; Mather
Hepatology, ISSN: 02709139
Gijsbert A. Patijn; Andre Lieber; David B. Schowalter; Ralph H. Schwall; Kay
Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, ISSN: 00652598
Molecular and Cellular Biology, ISSN: 02707306
Thomas Gächter; Dirk R. Moritz; Jacqueline Gheyselinck; Roman Klemenz
Neurology, ISSN: 00283878
Apfel; Kessler; Bruce T. Adornato; Litchy; Corsee Sanders; Cynthia A. Rask
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, ISSN: 0271678X
De Crespigny; Joachim Röther; Nicholas Van Bruggen; Christian Beaulieu; Michael Moseley
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, ISSN: 00223549
Brent Kendrick; Cleland; Lam; Tue H. Nguyen; Theodore W. Randolph; Mark C. Manning; John F. Carpenter
Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience, ISSN: 10447431
Gao; Natasha Shinsky; Armanini; Paul Moran; Zheng; José-Luis Mendoza-Ramírez; Phillips; Winslow; Caras
Current Opinion in Structural Biology, ISSN: 0959440X
William Dall'Acqua; Paul J. Carter
Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism, ISSN: 0334018X
Allen W. Root; Stephen F. Kemp; Amy Chen Rundle; Ken Dana; Kenneth M. Attie
Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, ISSN: 00652598
Wilson; Li; Mohan; Tervo; Vesaluoma; Bennett; Ralph H. Schwall; Tabor; Kim; Hargrave; Cuevas
Journal of Aerosol Medicine: Deposition, Clearance, and Effects in the Lung, ISSN: 08942684
Clark; Newman; Nancy Dasovich
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, ISSN: 00223549
Maa; Chung C. Hsu
Neuron, ISSN: 08966273
Cacalano; Isabel Fariñas; Li-Chong Wang; Kelly E. Hagler; Alison Forgie; Mark Moore; Armanini; Phillips; Anne Ryan; Louis F. Reichardt; Mary Hynes; Alun M. Davies; Rosenthal
American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology, ISSN: 03636119
Karina Jandziszak; Carlos Suarez; Ethan Wasserman; Ross Clark; Bonnie Baker; Frances Liu; Hintz; Saenger; Luc P. Brion
Hybridoma, ISSN: 0272457X
Dirk R. Moritz; Jacqueline Gheyselinck; Roman Klemenz
Drug Information Journal, ISSN: 00928615
James W. Frane
American Journal of Human Genetics, ISSN: 00029297
Julie Rae; Peter E. Newburger; Mary C. Dinauer; Noack; Penelope J. Hopkins; Ryoko Kuruto; John T. Curnutte
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, ISSN: 00223549
Pascale Anderle; Eva Niederer; Rubas; Constanze Hilgendorf; Hilde Spahn-Langguth; Heidi Wunderli-Allenspach; Hans P. Merkle; Peter Langguth
Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine, ISSN: 00222143
Frederic J. De Sauvage; Jean-Luc Villeval; Ramesh A. Shivdasani
American Journal of Physiology - Endocrinology and Metabolism, ISSN: 01931849
Adams; Jack Odle
Chest, ISSN: 00123692
Anne E. O'Donnell; Alan F. Barker; Jonathan S. Ilowite; Robert B. Fick Jr.
Cancer Investigation, ISSN: 07357907
Christine D. Pham; Timothy P.L. Roberts; Nicholas Van Bruggen; Ostap Melnyk; Jeffry Mann; Napoleone Ferrara; Robert L. Cohen; Robert C. Brasch
BioTechniques, ISSN: 07366205
Ranjan Patnaik; James R. Swartz
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, ISSN: 00223549
Henry R. Costantino; Karen G. Carrasquillo; Rocio A. Cordero; Mumenthaler; Chung C. Hsu; Kai Griebenow
Protein Science, ISSN: 09618368
Clark Q. Pan; Jana S. Ulmer; Herzka; Lazarus
Journal of Drug Targeting, ISSN: 1061186X
Nature Biotechnology, ISSN: 10870156
Protein Science, ISSN: 09618368
Yves A. Muller; Robert F. Kelley; De Vos
Methods in Molecular Biology, ISSN: 10643745
Henry B. Lowman