
Genentech scientists are encouraged to be creative and active members of the scientific community. We are proud of our publication record in Science, Nature, Cell, and other prestigious peer-reviewed journals, where our annual output consistently rivals or surpasses that of the top academic institutions.

DISPLAYING 12601 - 12650 OF 15217 RESULTS

Perspectives on Developmental Neurobiology, ISSN: 10640517
David L. Shelton
FASEB Journal, ISSN: 08926638
Debasis Chakrabarti; Hultgren; Timothy
FASEB Journal, ISSN: 08926638
Avi Ashkenazi; Pitti; Scot A. Marsters; Siegfried Ruppert; Christopher J. Donahue; Alison Moore
Journal of Experimental Medicine, ISSN: 00221007
Monique La Fleur; Johnnie L. Underwood; Daniel A. Rappolee; Zena Werb
FASEB Journal, ISSN: 08926638
James A. Wells; Brian C. Cunnmgham; Betty Li; Melissa A. Starovasnik; Wayne J. Fairbrother; Andrew Braisted
FASEB Journal, ISSN: 08926638
Anan Chumharapai; Lu; Jin
FASEB Journal, ISSN: 08926638
Barbara Reitz; Washington; Hotaling; Wolfgang-feimball; Anne Ryan; Ramon Widmer; Betty Chan; Gilbert-Andre Keller; Kenneth D. Bauer; Paula Jardieu; Judy Fox
Journal of Biological Chemistry, ISSN: 00219258
Robert S. Warren; Hui Yuan; Mary R. Matli; Napoleone Ferrara; David B. Donner
Journal of Biological Chemistry, ISSN: 00219258
Kyung Keun Kim; Adil Daud; Susan C. Wong; Laura Pajak; Shih-Chong Tsai; He Wang; William J. Henzel; Loren J. Field
Experimental Cell Research, ISSN: 00144827
Nelson; Moffat; Neil E. Jacobsen; William J. Henzel; Stults; King; Amy E. McMurtrey; Richard L. Vandlen; Steven A. Spencer
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, ISSN: 0021972X
Theodore A. Molskness; Woodruff; David L. Hess; Dahl; Richard L. Stouffer
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, ISSN: 0021972X
Paul M. Martha Jr.; Alan D. Rogol; Johannes D. Veldhuis; Robert M. Blizzard
International Journal of Pharmaceutics, ISSN: 03785173
Maa; Phuong-Anh Nguyen; Chung C. Hsu
Journal of Biological Chemistry, ISSN: 00219258
Alexandra Kalb; Horst Bluethmann; Mark Moore; Werner Lesslauer
Journal of Biological Chemistry, ISSN: 00219258
Gibbs; Michelle Takahashi; Michel Aguet; Anan Chuntharapai
Journal of Neuroscience, ISSN: 02706474
Christian Winkler; Hans Sauer; Lee; Anders Bjorklund
Analytical Chemistry, ISSN: 00032700
Eleanor Canova-Davis; Ida P. Baldonado; Chloupek; Victor Ling; Richard L. Gehant; Olson; Beth Gillece-Castro
Nature, ISSN: 00280836
Donna Stone; Mary Hynes; Armanini; Todd A. Swanson; Qimin Gu; Ronald L. Johnson; Matthew P. Scott; Diane Pennica; Goddard; Phillips; Markus Noll; Joan E. Hooper; Frederic J. De Sauvage; Rosenthal
Journal of Immunological Methods, ISSN: 00221759
Paasch; Baron R. Reed; Rodney Keck; Bryan Sandlund; Ellen Gilkerson; Shalaby
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, ISSN: 00278424
David M. Holtzman; Daniela Santucci; Joshua Kilbridge; Jane Chua-Couzens; David J. Fontana; Scott E. Daniels; Johnson; Grace Chan; Yuling Sun; Elaine J. Carlson; Enrico Alleva; Charles J. Epstein; William C. Mobley
Journal of Chromatography A, ISSN: 00219673
David H. Reifsnyder; Charles V. Olson; Etcheverry; Prashad; Stuart E. Builder
Biochemistry, ISSN: 00062960
Ballinger; Jeffrey Tom; James A. Wells
Pharmaceutical Research, ISSN: 07248741
Joyce Mordenti; Joy A. Cavagnaro; Green
Pharmaceutical Research, ISSN: 07248741
Cleland; Andrew J.S. Jones
Journal of Immunology, ISSN: 00221767
Lili Tu; Anjun Chen; Martha D. Delahunty; Kevin L. Moore; Susan R. Watson; Rodger P. McEver; Thomas F. Tedder
Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, ISSN: 00223565
Judy Fox; Hotaling; Craig Struble; Jane Ruppel; Dorothy J. Bates; Schoenhoff
Journal of the American College of Surgeons, ISSN: 10727515
Mary D. Ellison; Timothy J. Breen; Darcy B. Davies; Erick B. Edwards; Richard J. Mahoney; Otis P. Daily; Douglas J. Norman
Biotechnology Progress, ISSN: 87567938
Narendra B. Bam; Cleland; Theodore W. Randolph
Journal of Experimental Medicine, ISSN: 00221007
Hal E. Broxmeyer; Scott Cooper; Cacalano; Hague; Edward Bailish; Mark Moore
Journal of Biological Chemistry, ISSN: 00219258
Green; Anan Chuntharapai; John T. Curnutte
Journal of Biotechnology, ISSN: 01681656
Stoll; Ruffieux; Schneider; Von Stockar; Ian W. Marison
Journal of Immunology, ISSN: 00221767
Encarnacion Montecino-Rodriguez; Ross Clark; Anne Johnson; Linda Collins; Kenneth Dorshkind
EMBO Journal, ISSN: 02614189
Ying Ye; Baisakhi Raychaudhuri; Austin L. Gurney; Christine E. Campbell; Bryan R. G. Williams
Journal of Biological Chemistry, ISSN: 00219258
Jiabing Ding; Ulla G. Knaus; Jian P. Lian; Bokoch; John A. Badwey
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, ISSN: 0006291X
Satoshi Takeshita; Lawrence Weir; Dongfen Chen; Lu P. Zheng; Reimer Riessen; Christophe Bauters; James F. Symes; Napoleone Ferrara; Jeffrey M. Isner
Developmental Biology, ISSN: 00121606
Susana Cohen-Cory; Escandon; Scott E. Fraser
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, ISSN: 0021972X
Ellis; Lee; Pivarnik; Julie Bukar; Gesundheit
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, ISSN: 0021972X
Jan L. Shifren; Jennifer F. Tseng; Charles J. Zaloudek; Isabelle P. Ryan; Meng; Napoleone Ferrara; Robert B. Jaffe; Robert N. Taylor
Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics, ISSN: 08873585
Celia A. Schiffer; Wilfred F. Van Gunsteren
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, ISSN: 01460404
Hitoshi Takagi; George L. King; Gregory S. Robinson; Napoleone Ferrara; Lloyd Paul Aiello
Laboratory Investigation, ISSN: 00236837
Satoshi Takeshita; Yukio Tsurumi; Thierry Couffinahl; Takayuki Asahara; Christophe Bauters; James F. Symes; Napoleone Ferrara; Jeffrey M. Isner
Transplantation, ISSN: 00411337
Koren; Franko Milotic; Francisca A. Neethling; Mirna Koscec; David T.W. Fei; Takaaki Kobayashi; Shigeki Taniguchi; David K.C. Cooper
International Journal of Pharmaceutics, ISSN: 03785173
Lam; Henry R. Costantino; David E. Overcashier; Tue H. Nguyen; Chung C. Hsu
Nature Medicine, ISSN: 10788956
Napoleone Ferrara
Journal of Biological Chemistry, ISSN: 00219258
Ross Clark; Olson; Fuh; Marian; Deborah L. Mortensen; Glen Teshima; Suh Chang; Chu; Mukku; Eleanor Canova-Davis; Todd C. Somers; Cronin; Winkler; James A. Wells
Journal of the American Chemical Society, ISSN: 00027863
Chang; Chiang; Guo; Kresge; Mathew; Powell; James A. Wells
EMBO Journal, ISSN: 02614189
Terri Davis-Smyth; Helen Chen; Jeanie Park; Presta; Napoleone Ferrara
Journal of Biological Chemistry, ISSN: 00219258
Kai Wu; Jean Yuan; Lasky
Analytical Chemistry, ISSN: 00032700
Damon I. Papac; Anissa Wong; Andrew J.S. Jones
Transplantation, ISSN: 00411337
Eric K. Nakakura; Randi A. Shorthouse; Biru Zheng; McCabe; Paula Jardieu; Randall E. Morris