
Genentech scientists are encouraged to be creative and active members of the scientific community. We are proud of our publication record in Science, Nature, Cell, and other prestigious peer-reviewed journals, where our annual output consistently rivals or surpasses that of the top academic institutions.

DISPLAYING 12701 - 12750 OF 15217 RESULTS

Circulation, ISSN: 00097322
Robert L. Duerr; M. Dan McKirnan; Ronald D. Gim; Ross Clark; Kenneth R. Chien; John Ross Jr.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, ISSN: 00278424
Andrew Braisted; James A. Wells
Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology, ISSN: 01602446
Renhui Yang; G. Roger Thomas; Bunting; Annie Ko; Napoleone Ferrara; Keyt; Ross; Hongkui Jin
Journal of Cell Biology, ISSN: 00219525
Ralph H. Schwall; Chang; Godowski; David W. Kahn; Kenneth J. Hillan; Kenneth D. Bauer; Zioncheck
Carbohydrate Research, ISSN: 00086215
Wanda Sicińska; Laura Lerner
Pharmaceutical Research, ISSN: 07248741
Chan; Kwok-Leung Au-Yeung; Gonda
Journal of Immunology, ISSN: 00221767
Patty M. Jansen; Irma W. De Jong; Margreet Hart; K.Jin Kim; Lucien A. Aarden; Lerner B. Hinshaw; Fletcher B. Taylor Jr.; C. Erik Hack
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, ISSN: 01460404
Hitoshi Takagi; George L. King; Napoleone Ferrara; Lloyd Paul Aiello
Biochemistry, ISSN: 00062960
Abd Al-Roof Higazi; Joseph F. Aceto; Douglas Kniss; Rosalyn Upson; Robert L. Cohen; David A. Dichek; Douglas B. Cines
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, ISSN: 0021972X
Margaret H. Macgillivray; Joyce Baptista; Ann J. Johanson
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, ISSN: 0021972X
Sandra L. Blethen; David B. Allen; David Graves; Gilbert P. August; Thomas Moshang Jr.; Rosenfeld
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, ISSN: 0021972X
Kenneth M. Attie
Nucleic Acids Research, ISSN: 03051048
Brian K. Lucas; Lynne Giere; Richard A. Demarco; Amy Shen; Chisholm; Crowley
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, ISSN: 0006291X
Amit Kumar; Beresini; Punita Dhawan; Kamal D. Mehta
Biotechnology and Bioengineering, ISSN: 00063592
Maa; Chung C. Hsu
Journal of Experimental Medicine, ISSN: 00221007
Michel Le Hir; Horst Bluethmann; Marie H. Kosco-Vilbois; Matthias Müller; Franco Di Padova; Mark Moore; Bernhard Ryffel; Hans-Pietro Eugster
Biochemistry, ISSN: 00062960
Ingrid Mehlhorn; Darlene Groth; Johannes Stöckel; Moffat; Dorothea Reilly; Yansura; W. Scott Willett; Michael Baldwin; Robert Fletterick; Fred E. Cohen; Richard L. Vandlen; Henner; Stanley B. Prusiner
Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, ISSN: 0169409X
Transplantation, ISSN: 00411337
Phillip Ruiz; Mehdi Nassiri; Shahik K. Gregorian; Ana L. Viciana; J. Wayne Streilein
Atherosclerosis, ISSN: 00219150
Koren; Clinton Corder; Gudrun Mueller; Hose Centurion; Glen Hallum; James Fesmire; Walter D. McConathy; Petar Alaupovic
Journal of Biological Chemistry, ISSN: 00219258
Ken-Ichi Hirano; Stephen G. Young; Robert Farese; Jennifer Ng; Eric Sande; Warburton; Powell-Braxton; Nicholas O. Davidson
Journal of Biological Chemistry, ISSN: 00219258
Minke E. Binnerts; Yvette Van Kooyk; Caroline P. Edwards; Mark Champe; Presta; Bodary; Carl G. Figdor; Berman
Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, ISSN: 07302312
Mincione; Bianco; Kannan; Colletta; Fortunato Ciardiello; Mark X. Sliwkowski; Yarden; Normanno; Pramaggiore; Kim; David S. Salomon
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, ISSN: 0021972X
Peter J. Illingworth; Nigel P. Groome; William Byrd; William E. Rainey; Alan S. McNeilly; Mather; Bremner
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, ISSN: 0021972X
Nigel P. Groome; Peter J. Illingworth; Martin O'Brien; Roger Pai; Faye E. Rodger; Mather; Alan S. McNeilly
Journal of Biological Chemistry, ISSN: 00219258
Kai C. Wollert; Tetsuya Taga; Mikiyoshi Saito; Masashi Narazaki; Tadamitsu Kishimoto; Christopher C. Glembotski; Ann B. Vernallis; John K. Heath; Diane Pennica; William I. Wood; Kenneth R. Chien
Journal of Biological Chemistry, ISSN: 00219258
Melanie R Mark; Jian Chen; Glenn Hammonds; Michael D Sadick; Paul J. Godowsk
Journal of Immunology, ISSN: 00221767
Naheed Banu; Daniel J. Price; Roanna London; Bijia Deng; Melanie R Mark; Godowski; Hava Avraham
Analytical Biochemistry, ISSN: 00032697
Stephen J. Williams; Christine Schwer; Appasani S. M. Krishnarao; Christian A. Heid; Karger; P. Mickey Williams
Analytical Biochemistry, ISSN: 00032697
Rodney Keck
Nature, ISSN: 00280836
Napoleone Ferrara; Karen Carver-Moore; Helen Chen; Mary Dowd; Lucy Lu; Sue O'Shea; Powell-Braxton; Kenneth J. Hillan; Mark Moore
Development (Cambridge), ISSN: 09501991
Ting-Yi Lin; Sridhar Viswanathan; Cricket Wood; Patricia G. Wilson; Nurit Wolf; Margaret T. Fuller
European Respiratory Journal, ISSN: 09031936
Daviskas; Anderson; Gonda; Bailey; Bautovich; Seale
Journal of Biological Chemistry, ISSN: 00219258
Keyt; Lea Berleau; Hung V. Nguyen; Helen Chen; Heinsohn; Richard L. Vandlen; Napoleone Ferrara
Nucleic Acids Research, ISSN: 03051048
Martin Jordan; Annette Schallhorn; Florian M. Wurm
Journal of Inflammation, ISSN: 10787852
Ryutaro Kamijo; John Gerecitano; Deborah Shapiro; Shawn J. Green; Michel Aguet; Dimming Le; Jan Vilcek
Journal of Physical Chemistry, ISSN: 00223654
Johnson; Wang; Arnold
Journal of Neuroscience Research, ISSN: 03604012
Annie Gouin; Evelyne Bloch-Gallego; Tanaka; Rosenthal; Christopher E. Henderson
Biochemistry, ISSN: 00062960
Neil E. Jacobsen; Nasrin Abadi; Mark X. Sliwkowski; Dorothea Reilly; Nicholas J. Skelton; Wayne J. Fairbrother
Journal of Neuroscience, ISSN: 02706474
Li; Jian Chen; Glenn Hammonds Jr.; Phillips; Armanini; Patrick M. Wood; Richard P. Bunge; Godowski; Mark X. Sliwkowski; Mather
Cancer Research, ISSN: 00085472
Gail D. Lewis; Julie A. Lofgren; Amy E. McMurtrey; Andrew Nuijens; Brian M. Fendly; Kenneth D. Bauer; Mark X. Sliwkowski
Blood, ISSN: 00064971
Fielder; Austin L. Gurney; Stefanich; Marian; Mark Moore; Karen Carver-Moore; Frederic J. De Sauvage
Journal of Immunology, ISSN: 00221767
Kimberly J. Van Zee; Lyle L. Moldawer; Hester S. A. Oldenburg; William A. Thompson; Sarah A. Stackpole; Walton J. Montegut; Michael A. Rogy; Carol Meschter; Harald Gallati; Claus-Dieter Schiller; Wolfgang F. Richter; Hansruedi Loetscher; Avi Ashkenazi; Steven M. Chamow; Florian M. Wurm; Steve E. Calvano; Stephen F. Lowry; Werner Lesslauer
Analytical Biochemistry, ISSN: 00032697
Michael D Sadick; Mark X. Sliwkowski; Andrew Nuijens; Bald; Nancy Y. Chiang; Julie A. Lofgren; Wai Lee T. Wong
Pharmaceutical Research, ISSN: 07248741
Rubas; Cromwell; Mrsny; Gladys S. Ingle; Kathleen A. Elias
Pharmaceutical Research, ISSN: 07248741
Chan; Ongpipattanakul; Jacky Au-Yeung
Journal of Biological Chemistry, ISSN: 00219258
Keyt; Hung V. Nguyen; Lea Berleau; Carlos M. Duarte; Jeanie Park; Helen Chen; Napoleone Ferrara
Journal of Biological Chemistry, ISSN: 00219258
Yulong Han; Douglas W. Leaman; Diane Watling; Neil C. Rogers; Bernd Groner; Ian M. Kerr; William I. Wood; George R. Stark
Cell, ISSN: 00928674
Rivka Dikstein; Siegfried Ruppert; Robert Tjian
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, ISSN: 00278424
James Lee; Gray; Jean Q. Yuan; Shiuh-Ming Luoh; Hava Avraham; William I. Wood