
Genentech scientists are encouraged to be creative and active members of the scientific community. We are proud of our publication record in Science, Nature, Cell, and other prestigious peer-reviewed journals, where our annual output consistently rivals or surpasses that of the top academic institutions.

DISPLAYING 12751 - 12800 OF 15217 RESULTS

Biometrics, ISSN: 0006341X
Bruce A. Belanger; Davidian; Giltinan
Nature Genetics, ISSN: 10614036
Tom A. Ebersole; Qi Chen; Monica J. Justice; Karen Artzt
Laboratory Investigation, ISSN: 00236837
Luis F. Fajardo; Stavros D. Prionas; Helen H. Kwan; Joe Kowalski; Anthony C. Allison
Teratology, ISSN: 00403709
Judith W. Henck; Kim G. Hilbish; Mercedes A. Serabian; Joy A. Cavagnaro; Andrew G. Hendrickx; Narsingh D. Agnish; Ada H.C. Kung; Joyce Mordenti
Journal of Experimental Medicine, ISSN: 00221007
Yvette Van Kooyk; Minke E. Binnerts; Caroline P. Edwards; Mark Champe; Berman; Carl G. Figdor; Bodary
Journal of Neurobiology, ISSN: 00223034
Nitza Kahane; David L. Shelton; Chaya Kalcheim
Journal of Biotechnology, ISSN: 01681656
Stoll; Mühlethaler; Von Stockar; Ian W. Marison
Science, ISSN: 00368075
Zhaodan Cao; William J. Henzel; Xiong Gao
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, ISSN: 0021972X
Robertson; Burger; Sullivan; Cahir; Nigel P. Groome; Poncelet; Franchimont; Woodruff; Mather
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, ISSN: 00278424
Nancy Levin; Nelson; Austin L. Gurney; Richard Vandleni; Frederic J. De Sauvage
Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, ISSN: 07302312
Grace H.W. Wong; Roger L. Kaspar; Gary Zweiger; Carlson; Fong; Niloofar Ehsani; Gordon A. Vehar
Journal of Molecular Biology, ISSN: 00222836
Yves A. Muller; Ultsch; De Vos
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, ISSN: 01460404
Mohan; Li; Weng; Bennett; Ralph H. Schwall; Wang; Tabor; Kim; Hargrave; Cuevas; Wilson
Circulation, ISSN: 00097322
Antonio Cittadini; Hinrik Strömer; Sarah E. Katz; Ross Clark; Alan C. Moses; James P. Morgan; Pamela Douglas
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, ISSN: 01460404
Qianwa Liang; Tervo; Vesaluoma; Bennett; Ralph H. Schwall; Marco Helena; Wilson
Cancer Research, ISSN: 00085472
Ostap Melnyk; Shuman; K.Jin Kim
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, ISSN: 01460404
Graciana Diez-Roux; Mark Labow; Horst Bluthman; Mark Moore; Richard Lang
Biochemistry, ISSN: 00062960
Cacia; Rodney Keck; Presta; John Frenz
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, ISSN: 00219797
Harish V. Iyer; Todd M. Przybycien
Cell, ISSN: 00928674
Marco A. Meraz; J. Michael White; Kathleen C. Sheehan; Bach; Scott J. Rodig; Anand S. Dighe; Daniel H. Kaplan; Riley; Andrew C. Greenlund; Dayle Campbell; Karen Carver-Moore; Raymond N. DuBois; Ross Clark; Michel Aguet; Schreiber
Bio/Technology, ISSN: 0733222X
Zhu; Gerardo Zapata; Shalaby; Snedecor; Man Chert; Paul J. Carter
Journal of Experimental Medicine, ISSN: 00221007
Frederic J. De Sauvage; Karen Carver-Moore; Shiuh-Ming Luoh; Anne Ryan; Mary Dowd; Dan L. Eaton; Mark Moore
Laboratory Investigation, ISSN: 00236837
Dirk H. Walter; Uli Hink; Takayuki Asahara; Eric Van Belle; Jeffrey Horowitz; Yukio Tsurumi; Richard L. Vandlen; Heinsohn; Keyt; Napoleone Ferrara; James F. Symes; Jeffrey M. Isner
Electrophoresis, ISSN: 01730835
Kathy Moorhouse; Carina A. Rickel; Chen
Development (Cambridge), ISSN: 09501991
Zelin Sheng; Diane Pennica; William I. Wood; Kenneth R. Chien
Cell Growth and Differentiation, ISSN: 10449523
Nader Rahimi; Eric Tremblay; Laura McAdam; Marg Park; Ralph H. Schwall; Bruce Elliott
International Immunology, ISSN: 09538178
Hans-Pietro Eugster; Matthias Müller; Urs Karrer; Bruce D. Car; Bruno Schnyder; Vicki M. Eng; Gaetane Woerly; Michel Le Hir; Franco Di Padova; Michel Aguet; Rolf M. Zinkernagel; Horst Bluethmann; Bernhard Ryffel
Journal of Clinical Investigation, ISSN: 00219738
Edi Brogi; Gina Schatteman; Tiangen Wu; Elizabeth A. Kim; Lyuba Varticovski; Keyt; Jeffrey M. Isner
Blood, ISSN: 00064971
Jill Cheng; Baumhueter; Cacalano; Karen Carver-Moore; Harold Thibodeaux; Thomas; Hal E. Broxmeyer; Cooper; Hague; Mark Moore; Lasky
Blood, ISSN: 00064971
Jill Cheng; Baumhueter; Cacalano; Karen Carver-Moore; Harold Thibodeaux; Thomas; Hal E. Broxmeyer; Scott Cooper; Hague; Mark Moore; Lasky
Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology, ISSN: 01602446
Walder; Carol J. Errett; Bunting; Peter Lindquist; John R. Ogez; Heinsohn; Napoleone Ferrara; G. Roger Thomas
Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology, ISSN: 01602446
Modi; Theresa Reynolds; Sharon A. Baughman; Deborah A. Thomas; Paasch; Susan Yvonne Smith
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, ISSN: 00278424
James A. Wells
Carbohydrate Research, ISSN: 00086215
Neil E. Jacobsen; Wayne J. Fairbrother; Kensil; Lim; Deborah A. Wheeler; Powell
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, ISSN: 0271678X
Joachim Röther; Kim Waggie; Nicholas Van Bruggen; De Crespigny; Michael Moseley
Clinical and Experimental Immunology, ISSN: 00099104
Macanovic; Sinicropi; Shak; Sharon A. Baughman; Thiru; Peter J. Lachmann
Thrombosis and Haemostasis, ISSN: 03406245
G. Roger Thomas; Harold Thibodeaux; Carol J. Errett; Julie M. Badillo; Daisy T. Wu; Refino; Keyt; William F. Bennett
Journal of Controlled Release, ISSN: 01683659
John E. Battersby; Ross Clark; William S. Hancock; Estela Puchulu-Campanella; Neill Haggarty; Dick Poll; David Harding
Experimental Neurology, ISSN: 00144886
Richard D. Broadwell; Cairns; Phillip M. Friden; Constance Oliver; Juan C. Villegas
Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology, ISSN: 1071412X
Geoffrey Gorse; Gira B. Patel; Frances K. Newman; Robert Belshe; Berman; Timothy Gregory; David Schwartz; Jack Lambert; Mary Lou Clements; Sharon E. Frey; Mark Mulligan; Edward Hook; Thomas Evans; Michael C. Keefer; Raphael Dolin; M. Juliana McElrath; Lawrence Corey; Barney S. Graham; Peter Wright; Matthews; Dani P. Bolognesi; James McNamara; Mary Clare Walker; Patricia Fast
Chest, ISSN: 00123692
Karen McCoy; Scott A. Hamilton; Charles A. Johnson
Diabetes, ISSN: 00121797
Debasis Chakrabarti; Huang; Joanne T. Beck; Jill Henrich; Nancy McFarland; James; Stewart
Endocrinology, ISSN: 00137227
Ross Clark; Deborah L. Mortensen; Carlsson; Steven A. Spencer; McKay; Michael G. Mulkerrin; Moore; Cunningham
Hormone Research, ISSN: 16632826 16632818
Sandra L. Blethen; Amy Chen Rundle
Bone, ISSN: 87563282
Helfrich; Nesbitt; Lakkakorpi; Barnes; Bodary; Shankar; Mason; Mendrick; Väänänen; Horton
Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience, ISSN: 10447431
David F. Daggett; Cohen; Donna Stone; Nikolics; Heikki Rauvala; H. Benjamin Peng
Current Biology, ISSN: 09609822
European Journal of Neuroscience, ISSN: 0953816X
Zheng; Gao
Science, ISSN: 00368075
Ying Wei; Matvey Lukashev; Daniel I. Simon; Bodary; Steven Rosenberg; Michael V. Doyle; Harold A. Chapman
Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis, ISSN: 09295305
Costas Lambrew; W.Douglas Weaver; William J. Rogers; Laura J. Bowlby; R. Michael Rubison; William J. French