
Genentech scientists are encouraged to be creative and active members of the scientific community. We are proud of our publication record in Science, Nature, Cell, and other prestigious peer-reviewed journals, where our annual output consistently rivals or surpasses that of the top academic institutions.

DISPLAYING 12851 - 12900 OF 15217 RESULTS

Endocrinology, ISSN: 00137227
Ross Clark; Deborah L. Mortensen; Carlsson; Carlsson; Carmignac; Icaf Robinson
Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery - Series B, ISSN: 0301620X
Martin Lind; Søren Overgaard; Ongpipattanakul; Tue H. Nguyen; Cody Bünger; Kjeld Søballe
Thrombosis and Haemostasis, ISSN: 03406245
Nicholas F. Paoni; Hope Steinmetz; Nancy Gillett; Refino; Julie M. Badillo; Bunting
Trends in Neurosciences, ISSN: 01662236
Molecular Immunology, ISSN: 01615890
Meng; Naina Singh; Wai Lee T. Wong
Endocrinology, ISSN: 00137227
Fielder; Deborah L. Mortensen; Phyllis Mallet; Carlsson; Baxter; Ross Clark
Journal of the American College of Cardiology, ISSN: 07351097
Richard C. Becker; Joel M. Gore; Costas Lambrew; W.Douglas Weaver; R. Michael Rubison; William J. French; Alan J. Tiefenbrunn; Laura J. Bowlby; William J. Rogers
Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, ISSN: 10440305
Medzihradszky; Beth Gillece-Castro; Townsend; Alma Burlingame; Hardy
Journal of Hepatology, ISSN: 01688278
Kenneth J. Hillan; Martin C. Logan; Rod K. Ferrier; George L. Bird; Bennett; Ian C. McKay; Roderick N. M. MacSween
Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases, ISSN: 10799796
Andrew R. Cross; John T. Curnutte; Julie Rae; Heyworth
Virus Research, ISSN: 01681702
Thomas R. Haven; Raymond R.R. Rowland; Peter G. W. Plagemann; Grace H.W. Wong; Sarahann E. Bradley; William A. Cafruny
Cancer Biotherapy and Radiopharmaceuticals, ISSN: 10849785
Claire Kotts; Su; Cecilia Leddy; Dodd; Scates; Shalaby; Wirth; Giltinan; Schroff; Fritzberg; Shepard; Dennis J. Slamon; Hutchins
Current Opinion in Nephrology and Hypertension, ISSN: 10624821
Napoleone Ferrara; Bunting
Hormone Research, ISSN: 16632826 16632818
Neuron, ISSN: 08966273
Klaus D. Beck; Ian Irwin; Janet Valverde; Thomas J. Brennan; J. William Langston; Franz Hefti
Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience, ISSN: 10447431
Goodman; Janet Valverde; Filip Lim; Michael D. Geschwind; Howard J. Federoff; Alfred I. Geller; Franz Hefti
Protein Engineering, ISSN: 02692139
Louis C. Sehl; Hung V. Nguyen; Lea Berleau; Patricia Arcila; William F. Bennett; Keyt
Cytokine, ISSN: 10434666
Diane Pennica; Todd A. Swanson; Kenneth J. Shaw; Wun-Jing Kuang; Christa Gray; Barbara G. Beatty; William I. Wood
Journal of Controlled Release, ISSN: 01683659
Maa; Chung C. Hsu
Journal of Bacteriology, ISSN: 00219193
Bass; Qimin Gu; Anthony Christen
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, ISSN: 00223549
Rubas; Cromwell; Shahrokh; Villagran; Nguyen; Wellton; Tue H. Nguyen; Mrsny
Tetrahedron Asymmetry, ISSN: 09574166
Lutz S. Richter; Thomas Gadek
Journal of Infectious Diseases, ISSN: 00221899
Berman; Murthy; Wrin; Vennari; Kathy Cobb; Eastman; Mark Champe; Nakamura; Donna Davison; Powell; Bussiere; Francis; Matthews; Timothy Gregory; John F. Obijeski
Trends in Neurosciences, ISSN: 01662236
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, ISSN: 00223549
Chung C. Hsu; Andrew J. Walsh; Hoc M. Nguyen; David E. Overcashier; Hans Koning-Bastiaan; Ralph C. Bailey; Steven L. Nail
Proceedings of the Controlled Release Society, ISSN: 10220178
Mah; Rubas
Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association, ISSN: 05872871
Daniel G. Rudmann; Kevin R. Kazacos; Scott T. Storandt; Donna L. Harris; Evan B. Janovitz
NeuroToxicology, ISSN: 0161813X
Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience, ISSN: 10447431
David F. Daggett; Donna Stone; H. Benjamin Peng; Nikolics
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, ISSN: 00223549
Cleland; Kensil; Lim; Neil E. Jacobsen; Basa; Spellman; Deborah A. Wheeler; Jia-Yan Wu; Powell
Immunopharmacology and Immunotoxicology, ISSN: 08923973
Colagiovanni; Shopp
Veterinary Pathology, ISSN: 03009858
Dye; Morgan; Neldon; Tepper; Burleson; Costa
Proceedings of the Controlled Release Society, ISSN: 10220178
Delie; Rubas
Journal of Interferon and Cytokine Research, ISSN: 10799907
Richards; Langdon; Diane Pennica; Gauldie
Coronary Artery Disease, ISSN: 09546928
David Stump
FASEB Journal, ISSN: 08926638
Bassam B. Damaj; Shaun R. McColl; Kuldeep Neote; Songqing; Kevin T. Ogborn; Hébert; Paul H. Naccache
Thrombosis and Haemostasis, ISSN: 03406245
Murtaza Alibhai; Alice M. Chow; Nicholas F. Paoni
Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs, ISSN: 13543784
Pakianathan; Pemberton
Current Opinion in Biotechnology, ISSN: 09581669
De Vos; Pluckthun
Journal of Microencapsulation, ISSN: 02652048
Maa; Chung C. Hsu
Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, ISSN: 0041008X
Joyce Mordenti; Gary Osaka; Kit Garcia; Karen Thomsen; Vojtech Licko; Gloria Meng
Archives of Ophthalmology, ISSN: 00039950
Anthony P. Adamis; David T. Shima; Michael J. Tolentino; Evangelos S. Gragoudas; Napoleone Ferrara; Judah Folkman; Patricia A. D'Amore; Joan W. Miller
Trends in Biotechnology, ISSN: 01677799
Steven M. Chamow; Avi Ashkenazi
Pediatric Nephrology, ISSN: 0931041X
Saenger; Kenneth M. Attie; Dimartino-Nardi; Richard N. Fine
Immunology Today, ISSN: 01675699
Dirk Roosl; John T. Curnutte; Johann Peter Hossle; Yu Lung Lau; Tadashi Ariga; Hiroyuki Nunoi; Mary C. Dinauer; Manfred Gahr; Anthony W. Segal; Peter E. Newburger; Mauro Giacca; Nicholas H. Keep; Rob Van Zwieten
Journal of Surgical Research, ISSN: 00224804
Michael R. Marvin; Steven K. Libutti; Mark Kayton; Janet Kao; Joanne Hayward; Tracy Grikscheit; Yan-G. Fan; Jerold Brett; Weinberg; Roman Nowygrod; Paul Logerfo; Carl Feind; Kristen S. Hansen; Margaret A. Schwarz; David Stern; John Chabot
Advances in neurology, ISSN: 00913952
Nikolics; Franz Hefti; Thomas; Gluckman
Chest, ISSN: 00123692
Karen McCoy; Scott Hamilton; Charles A. Johnson
Journal of Drug Targeting, ISSN: 1061186X
Journal of Drug Targeting, ISSN: 1061186X
Mrsny; Daugherty; Sarah M. Short; Ramon Widmer; Mark Siegel; Gilbert-Andre Keller