
Genentech scientists are encouraged to be creative and active members of the scientific community. We are proud of our publication record in Science, Nature, Cell, and other prestigious peer-reviewed journals, where our annual output consistently rivals or surpasses that of the top academic institutions.

DISPLAYING 12901 - 12950 OF 15217 RESULTS

The Lancet, ISSN: 01406736
Joseph J. Eron Jr.; Ashby; Michael F. Giordano; Marlene Chernow; William M. Reiter; Steven G. Deeks; James P. Lavelle; Marcus Conant; Bienvenido G. Yangco; Perry G. Pate; Ramón A. Torres; Ronald T. Mitsuyasu; Tom Twaddell
Chromosome Research, ISSN: 09673849
Daniel S. Gallagher; Houck; Anne Ryan; Womack; Kumamoto
Inflammation Research, ISSN: 10233830
Mukherjee; Victoria Hale; Borga; Stein
Advances in neurology, ISSN: 00913952
Nikolics; Franz Hefti; G. Roger Thomas; Gluckman
ACS Symposium Series, ISSN: 00976156
David Arnott; William J. Henzel; Stults
Journal of Aerosol Medicine: Deposition, Clearance, and Effects in the Lung, ISSN: 08942684
Techniques in Protein Chemistry, ISSN: 10808914
Ruth H. Angeletti; Lisa Bibbs; Lynda F. Bonewald; Gregg B. Fields; John S. McMurray; William T. Moore; Stults
Journal of Aerosol Medicine: Deposition, Clearance, and Effects in the Lung, ISSN: 08942684
Endocrinology, ISSN: 00137227
Agneta Mode; Petra Tollet; Timothy Wells; Carmignac; Ross Clark; Wen Y. Chen; John J. Kopchick; Icaf Robinson
Cytokine and Growth Factor Reviews, ISSN: 13596101
Ross Clark; Icaf Robinson
Trends in Glycoscience and Glycotechnology, ISSN: 09157352
Richardson; Ralph H. Schwall; Zioncheck
Chinese Journal of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, ISSN: 10780467
Amphlett; Cacia; Callahan; Cannova-Davis; Chang; Cleland; Darrington; DeYoung; Dhingra; Everett; Linda Foster; John Frenz; Garcia; Giltinan; Gitlin; Gombotz; Hageman; Reed J. Harris; Heller; Herman; Susan Hershenson; Hora; Ingram; Janes; Watanabe
Chinese Journal of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, ISSN: 10780467
Steven J. Shire
Stem Cells, ISSN: 10665099
G. Roger Thomas; Harold Thibodeaux; Carol J. Errett; Joanne Mathias; Marian; Meng; Richard L. Vandlen; Dan L. Eaton
Cytokine, ISSN: 10434666
Hongkui Jin; Renhui Yang; Gilbert-Andre Keller; Anne Ryan; Annie Ko; David Finkle; Todd A. Swanson; Wei Li; Diane Pennica; William I. Wood; Nicholas F. Paoni
Basic life sciences, ISSN: 00905542
Robert S. McDowell; Anthony A. Kossiakoff
Reproductive Toxicology, ISSN: 08906238
Mari S. Golub; Norma J. Galiher; Peter K. Working; Adam Greenspan
Annals of Internal Medicine, ISSN: 00034819
Richard T. D'Aquila; Michael D. Hughes; Victoria A. Johnson; Margaret A. Fischl; Jean-Pierre Sommadossi; Song-Heng Liou; Joseph Timpone; Maureen Myers; Nesli Basgoz; Manette Niu; Martin S. Hirsch; Michael Saag; Jill Weingarten; John Gnann; Diane Havlir; Chris Fegan; Stephen Spector; Douglas D. Richman; Mark Jacobson; Kathy Dybeck; Patrick Joseph; Kathleen Clanon; Stacey McKenzie; Pam Daniel; Dale Dayton; Jill Leonard; Robert T. Schooley; Daniel Kuritzkes; Graham Ray; Beverly Putnam; Dushyantha Jayaweera; Janie Patrone-Reese; Thomas Tanner; Jo Moebus; Nancy Reed; Renee St Jacque; Keith Henry; Susan Swindells; Joe Eron; David Ragan; James Horton; Timothy Lane; Ian Frank; Anne Norris; Roger Pomerantz; Stephen Hauptman; Jan Geiseler; John Leedom; Frances Canchola; Connie Olson; Lawrence Deyton; Carla Pettinelli
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, ISSN: 00223549
Cleland; Barron; Daugherty; Eastman; Kensil; Lim; Weissburg; Wrin; Vennari; Powell
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, ISSN: 09628436
Toxicology Methods, ISSN: 10517235
Janet Clarke; Mary Anne Fortes; Andrew Giovanni; David W. Brewster
Communications in Clinical Cytometry, ISSN: 01964763
J. Dezz Ropp; Christopher J. Donahue; David Wolfgang-Kimball; Jeff Hooley; James Y. W. Chin; R. Andrew Cuthbertson; Kenneth D. Bauer
Molecular Endocrinology, ISSN: 08888809
Katherine A. Coerver; Woodruff; Finegold; Mather; Allan Bradley; Matzuk
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, ISSN: 00778923
Florian M. Wurm; Johnson; Thomas Ryll; Christiane Köhne; Harry Scherthan; Frank Glaab; Yolanda S. Lie; Christos J. Petropoulos; W. Robert Arathoon
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, ISSN: 00223549
Henry R. Costantino; Schwendeman; Kai Griebenow; Klibanov; Langer
Current Biology, ISSN: 09609822
Scot A. Marsters; Pitti; Christopher J. Donahue; Siegfried Ruppert; Kenneth D. Bauer; Avi Ashkenazi
Current Biology, ISSN: 09609822
Scot A. Marsters; James P. Sheridan; Christopher J. Donahue; Pitti; Christa Gray; Goddard; Kenneth D. Bauer; Avi Ashkenazi
Chinese Journal of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, ISSN: 10780467
Tue H. Nguyen; Steven J. Shire
Fibrinolysis, ISSN: 02689499
Nykjaer; Petersen; Hager; Nielsen; Rasmussen; Vilhardt; Shuman; Robert L. Cohen; Stuart Kornfeld; Erik Ilsø Christensen; Gliemann
Developments in biological standardization, ISSN: 03015149
Robert L. Garnick
European Journal of Cancer, ISSN: 09598049
Napoleone Ferrara
Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases, ISSN: 10799796
Andrew R. Cross; John T. Curnutte; Heyworth
Developments in biological standardization, ISSN: 03015149
Dinowitz; Sernatinger; Wiebe
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, ISSN: 00223549
Cleland; Barron; Berman; Daugherty; Timothy Gregory; Lim; Vennari; Wrin; Powell
Leukemia, ISSN: 08876924
Schnittger; Frederic J. De Sauvage; Le Paslier; Fonatsch
Stem Cells, ISSN: 10665099
Austin L. Gurney; Frederic J. De Sauvage
Genome Research, ISSN: 10549803
Ursula E.M. Gibson; Christian A. Heid; P. Mickey Williams
British Journal of Haematology, ISSN: 00071048
Meng; Thomas G. Martin III; Michael L. Peterson; Shuman; Robert L. Cohen; Wai Lee T. Wong
Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology, ISSN: 1071412X
Geoffrey Gorse; Ellen Y. Yang; Robert Belshe; Berman
Genome Research, ISSN: 10549803
Christian A. Heid; Junko Stevens; Kenneth J. Livak; P. Mickey Williams
Endocrine, ISSN: 15590100 1355008X
Li; Gao; Mather
Drug Information Journal, ISSN: 00928615
Terri L. Young; Leonard Kirchdoerfer; Jane T. Osterhaus
British Journal of Haematology, ISSN: 00071048
Meng; Thomas G. Martin III; Peterson; Shuman; Robert L. Cohen; Wai Lee T. Wong
Diabetes, ISSN: 00121797
Debasis Chakrabarti; Huang; Joanne Beck; Jill Henrich; Nancy McFarland; James; Stewart
NeuroReport, ISSN: 1473558X 09594965
Beth A. Habecker; Diane Pennica; Story C. Landis
Cell, ISSN: 00928674
Mike Rothe; Ming-Gui Pan; William J. Henzel; T. Merrill Ayres; David V. Goeddel
Blood, ISSN: 00064971
Christopher Fennie; Jill Cheng; Dowbenko; Paul Young; Lasky
Science, ISSN: 00368075
Bing Li; Jeffrey Tom; David A. Oare; Randy Yen; Wayne J. Fairbrother; James A. Wells; Cunningham
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, ISSN: 00278424
Thomas M. Laue; Melissa A. Starovasnik; Harold Weintraub; Xiao-Hong Sun; Lauren Snider; Rachel E. Klevit
Journal of Immunology, ISSN: 00221767
Thomas A. Wynn; Dragana Jankovic; Sara Hieny; Kimberly Zioncheck; Paula Jardieu; Allen W. Cheever; Alan Sher