
Genentech scientists are encouraged to be creative and active members of the scientific community. We are proud of our publication record in Science, Nature, Cell, and other prestigious peer-reviewed journals, where our annual output consistently rivals or surpasses that of the top academic institutions.

DISPLAYING 13001 - 13050 OF 15217 RESULTS

Endocrine, ISSN: 0969711X 15590100
Ross Clark; Deborah L. Mortensen; Carlsson
Journal of Experimental Medicine, ISSN: 15409538 00221007
Stephen C. Peiper; Zi-Xuan Wang; Kuldeep Neote; Alvin W. Martin; Henry J. Showell; Maryrose J. Conklyn; Kevin Ogborne; Hadley; Zhao-Hai Lu; Joseph Hesselgesser; Richard Horuk
Bioseparation, ISSN: 0923179X
Hart; John R. Ogez; Stuart E. Builder
Journal of Biological Chemistry, ISSN: 00219258
Andrew R. Cross; John T. Curnutte
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, ISSN: 00278424
Brian D. Bennett; Francis C. Zeigler; Qimin Gu; Brian M. Fendly; Goddard; Nancy Gillett; William Matthews
Journal of Experimental Medicine, ISSN: 15409538 00221007
Kristin Swihart; Ulrich Fruth; Nathalie Messmer; Katharina Hug; Reza Behin; Sui Huang; Giuseppe Del Giudice; Michel Aguet; Jacques A. Louis
International Journal of Pharmaceutics, ISSN: 03785173
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, ISSN: 00278424
Thomas K. Morrissey; Allan D. O. Levi; Andrew Nuijens; Mark X. Sliwkowski; Richard P. Bunge
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, ISSN: 00278424
Park; Hong; Paul J. Carter; Asgari; Guo; Gilbert-Andre Keller; Wirth; Shalaby; Claire Kotts; William I. Wood; Papahadjopoulos; Benz
FEBS Letters, ISSN: 00145793
Alfred M Engel; David G Lowe
Blood, ISSN: 00064971
Austin L. Gurney; Wun-Jing Kuang; Xie; Malloy; Dan L. Eaton; Frederic J. De Sauvage
Cancer Research, ISSN: 15387445 00085472
Maria L. Rodrigues; Presta; Claire Kotts; Wirth; Joyce Mordenti; Gary Osaka; Wai Lee T. Wong; Andrew Nuijens; Brent Blackburn; Paul J. Carter
Nature, ISSN: 00280836
Betty A. Maddux; Paolo Sbraccia; Shinobu Kumakura; Shlomo Sasson; Jack Youngren; Alexander Fisher; Steven A. Spencer; Andrew Grupe; William J. Henzel; Stewart; Gerald M. Reaven; Ira D. Goldfine
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, ISSN: 00278424
Diane Pennica; King; Kenneth J. Shaw; Luis; Janette Rullamas; Shiuh-Ming Luoh; Darbonne; Deborah S. Knutzon; Randy Yen; Kenneth R. Chien; Baker; William I. Wood
Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy, ISSN: 09203206 15737241
Renhui Yang; Bunting; Nancy Gillett; Ross Clark; Hongkui Jin
Journal of Experimental Medicine, ISSN: 15409538 00221007
Kathleen C. Sheehan; J. Keith Pinckard; Cora D. Arthur; Louis P. Dehner; David V. Goeddel; Schreiber
Cytotechnology, ISSN: 09209069 15730778
Alison Moore; Christopher J. Donahue; Jeff Hooley; Diana L. Stocks; Kenneth D. Bauer; Mather
Clinical Immunology and Immunopathology, ISSN: 00901229
Shalaby; Paul J. Carter; Daniel A. Maneval; Giltinan; Claire Kotts
Neuroscience Letters, ISSN: 03043940
Anand; Foley; Navsaria; Sinicropi; Williams-Chestnut; Leigh
Nature, ISSN: 00280836
Klaus D. Beck; Janet Valverde; Alexi; Kris Poulsen; Moffat; Richard L. Vandlen; Rosenthal; Franz Hefti
Journal of Biological Chemistry, ISSN: 00219258
Mark Champe; Bradley W. McIntyre; Berman
Cell, ISSN: 00928674
Mary Hynes; Kris Poulsen; Marc Tessier-Lavigne; Rosenthal
Journal of Neuroscience, ISSN: 02706474
Allan D. O. Levi; Richard P. Bunge; Julie A. Lofgren; Leonie Meima; Franz Hefti; Nikolics; Mark X. Sliwkowski
Neuron, ISSN: 08966273
Winslow; Paul Moran; Janet Valverde; Shih; Jean Q. Yuan; Suzy C. Wong; Siao Ping Tsai; Goddard; William J. Henzel; Franz Hefti; Klaus D. Beck; Caras
Science, ISSN: 00368075
Olivier Cases; Isabelle Seif; Joseph Grimsby; Patricia Gaspar; Kevin Chen; Sandrine Pournin; Ulrike Müller; Michel Aguet; Charles Babinet; Jean Chen Shih; Edward De Maeyer
American Journal of Human Genetics, ISSN: 00029297
Friedman; Szabo; Elizabeth A. Ostermeyer; Patrick Dowd; Lesley Butler; Tari Park; Ming K. Lee; Ellen L. Goode; Sarah E. Rowell; Mary-Claire King
Journal of Molecular Biology, ISSN: 00222836
Axel J. Scheidig; Sybille M. Franken; John E.T. Corrie; Gordon P. Reid; Alfred Wittinghofer; Emil F. Pai; Roger S. Goody
Biochemistry, ISSN: 15204995 00062960
Geoffrey Williams; Nicole Ruegg; Ashley Birch; Christoph Weber; Klaus Hofstädter; John A. Robinson; Michel Aguet; Gianni Garotta; Daniel Schlatter; Walter Huber
EMBO Journal, ISSN: 02614189
Yi-Li Yang; Luiz F. L. Reis; Jovan Paylovic; Sano Aguzzi; Reinhold Schäfer; Aseem Kumar; Bryan R. G. Williams; Michel Aguet; Charles Weissmann
Annual Reports in Medicinal Chemistry, ISSN: 00657743
Robert S. McDowell; Dean R. Artis
Biochemistry, ISSN: 15204995 00062960
Robert F. Kelley; Kimberly E. Costas; Mark P. O'Connell; Lazarus
Current Opinion in Immunology, ISSN: 09527915
Paula Jardieu
Biochemistry, ISSN: 15204995 00062960
Caroline P. Edwards; Andrew G. Farr; John S. Marken; Andrew Nelson; Jürgen Bajorath; Karl Erik Hellstrom; Ingegerd Hellstrom; Alejandro Aruffo
Nature Biotechnology, ISSN: 0733222X
James A. Wells
Biochemistry, ISSN: 15204995 00062960
Celia A. Schiffer; Volker Dötsch; Kurt Wüthrich; Wilfred F. Van Gunsteren
Techniques in Protein Chemistry, ISSN: 10808914
Michael S. Molony; Wu; Lene K. Keyt; Reed J. Harris
Biochemistry, ISSN: 15204995 00062960
In-Ja L. Byeon; Robert F. Kelley; Michael G. Mulkerrin; Seong Soo A. An; Miguel Llinás
Biochemistry, ISSN: 15204995 00062960
Jun Liu; Philip M. Lester; Stuart E. Builder; Steven J. Shire
American Journal of Pathology, ISSN: 00029440
Satoshi Takeshita; Susan T. Rossow; Marianne Kearney; Lu P. Zheng; Christophe Bauters; Bunting; Napoleone Ferrara; James F. Symes; Jeffrey M. Isner
Techniques in Protein Chemistry, ISSN: 10808914
Gregg B. Fields; Ruth H. Angeletti; Lynda F. Bonewald; William T. Moore; Alan J. Smith; Stults; Lynn C. Williams
Journal of Immunology, ISSN: 00221767
Moriya Tsuji; Yasushi Miyahira; Ruth S. Nussenzweig; Michel Aguet; Reichel; Fidel Zavala
Endocrinology, ISSN: 19457170 00137227
Kathleen A. Elias; Gladys S. Ingle; Burnier; R. Glenn Hammonds; Robert S. Mc dowell; Thomas E. Rawson; Todd C. Somers; Mark S. Stanley; Cronin
Biochemistry, ISSN: 15204995 00062960
Ballinger; Jeffrey Torn; James A. Wells
Journal of Neurobiology, ISSN: 10974695 00223034
Lisa Zheng; Randall R. Stewart; Gao
Journal of the American Chemical Society, ISSN: 15205126 00027863
Jackson; Burnier; James A. Wells
Journal of Biological Chemistry, ISSN: 00219258
Alexander M. Dizhoor; Elena V. Olshevskaya; William J. Henzel; Susan C. Wong; Stults; Irina Ankoudinova; James B. Hurley
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, ISSN: 17496632 00778923
Napoleone Ferrara; Heinsohn; Walder; Bunting; G. Roger Thomas
Endocrinology, ISSN: 19457170 00137227
Phyllis L. Osheroff; King
European Journal of Neuroscience, ISSN: 14609568 0953816X
Dugich-Djordjevic; Christine Peterson; Fujio Isono; Fukuichi Ohsawa; Hans R. Widmer; Denton; Bennett; Franz Hefti
International Journal of Cancer, ISSN: 10970215 00207136
Zhu; Gail D. Lewis; Paul J. Carter