
Genentech scientists are encouraged to be creative and active members of the scientific community. We are proud of our publication record in Science, Nature, Cell, and other prestigious peer-reviewed journals, where our annual output consistently rivals or surpasses that of the top academic institutions.

DISPLAYING 13051 - 13100 OF 15217 RESULTS

Neuron, ISSN: 08966273
Mary Hynes; Jeffery A. Porter; Chin Chiang; David Chang; Marc Tessier-Lavigne; Philip A. Beachy; Rosenthal
Journal of the American Chemical Society, ISSN: 15205126 00027863
Christian Bisang; Christoph Weber; Janice Inglis; Wilfred F. Van Gunsteren; Celia A. Schiffer; Ilian Jelesarov; Hans R. Bosshard; John A. Robinson
Analytical Chemistry, ISSN: 15206882 00032700
John E. Battersby; Venkat R. Mtikku; Rose G. Clark; William S. Hancock
Annals of Neurology, ISSN: 15318249 03645134
Gao; Noel Dybdal; Natasha Shinsky; Amy Murnane; Charles H. Schmelzer; Mark Siegel; Gilbert-Andre Keller; Franz Hefti; Phillips; Winslow
Journal of Nuclear Medicine, ISSN: 01615505
Anthony A. Kossiakoff
Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience, ISSN: 18783627 09226028
David L. Shelton; McMahon; Winslow; Wei-Qiang Qao
Journal of Biological Chemistry, ISSN: 00219258
Diane Pennica; Kenneth J. Shaw; Todd A. Swanson; Mark Moore; David L. Shelton; Kimberly Zioncheck; Rosenthal; Tetsuya Taga; Nicholas F. Paoni; William I. Wood
Aerosol Science and Technology, ISSN: 15217388 02786826
Current Opinion in Hematology, ISSN: 10656251
Dan L. Eaton; Frederic J. De Sauvage
Journal of Biological Chemistry, ISSN: 00219258
Adit Ben-Baruch; Kathleen M. Bengali; Arya Biragyn; Jim J. Johnston; Ji-Ming Wang; Jin Kim; Anan Chuntharapai; Dennis F. Michiel; Joost J. Oppenheim; David J. Kelvin
Journal of Neurochemistry, ISSN: 14714159 00223042
Donna Oksenberg; Sona Havlik; Peroutka; Avi Ashkenazi
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, ISSN: 19457197 0021972X
Gordon A. Tuffli; Ann J. Johanson; Amy Chen Rundle; David B. Allen
European Journal of Immunology, ISSN: 15214141 00142980
Kevin Conlon; Andrew Lloyd; Utpala Chattopadhyay; Nicholas Lukacs; Stephen Kunkel; Thomas J. Schall; Dennis Taub; Chikao Morimoto; Jennifer Osborne; Joost J. Oppenheim; Howard Young; David J. Kelvin; Ortaldo
Receptor, ISSN: 10528040
Warburton; Powell-Braxton
Chest, ISSN: 00123692
International Journal of Cancer, ISSN: 10970215 00207136
Liu; Shuman; Robert L. Cohen
Journal of the American Chemical Society, ISSN: 15205126 00027863
Jon S. Thorson; Eli Chapman; Elizabeth C. Murphy; Peter G. Schultz; J. Kevin Judice
JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association, ISSN: 00987484
Neuron, ISSN: 08966273
Klaus D. Beck; Powell-Braxton; Hans R. Widmer; Janet Valverde; Franz Hefti
Diabetes, ISSN: 00121797
Huang; Jean Yuan; Goddard; Foulis; James; Lernmark; Pujol- Borrell; Rabinovitch; Somoza; Stewart
Journal of Biological Chemistry, ISSN: 00219258
Dennis; Herzka; Lazarus
Pharmaceutical Research, ISSN: 1573904X 07248741
Sarah M. Short; Rubas; Paasch; Randall J. ny
Journal of Biological Chemistry, ISSN: 00219258
Shen; Widdicombe; Mrsny
Journal of Hematotherapy, ISSN: none 15258165
Steven M. Chamow; Zhang; Xiang Y. Tan; Mhatre; Scot A. Marsters; Peers; Randal A. Byrn; Avi Ashkenazi; Junghans
Journal of Immunology, ISSN: 00221767
Anan Chuntharapai; K.Jin Kim
Enzyme and Microbial Technology, ISSN: 01410229
Ulrich Valley; Klaus Scharfenberg; Katja Müller; Thomas Ryll; Roland Wagner
Proceedings of the Controlled Release Society, ISSN: 10220178
Cleland; Andrew J.S. Jones
Proceedings of the Controlled Release Society, ISSN: 10220178
Cleland; Yang
Pharmaceutical Research, ISSN: 1573904X 07248741
Narendra B. Bam; Theodore W. Randolph; Cleland
Journals of Gerontology - Series A Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, ISSN: 1758535X 10795006
Eun-Soo Han; Nancy Levin; Nomsa Bengani; James L. Roberts; Yongman Sun; Katarzyna Karelus; James F. Nelson
Proceedings of the Controlled Release Society, ISSN: 10220178
Duenas; Yang; Andrew J.S. Jones; Cleland
Pharmaceutical Research, ISSN: 1573904X 07248741
Weissburg; Berman; Cleland; Eastman; Francis Farina; Frie; Lim; Joyce Mordenti; Peterson; Yim; Powell
S.T.P. Pharma Sciences, ISSN: 11571489
Rubas; Villagran; Cromwell; McLeod; Wassenberg; Mrsny
Journal of Neuroscience, ISSN: 02706474
Donna Stone; Nikolics
Statistics in Medicine, ISSN: 10970258 02776715
Wang-Clow; Mary Lange; Laird; James H. Ware
Journal of Biological Chemistry, ISSN: 00219258
Caroline P. Edwards; Mark Champe; Gonzalez; Wessinger; Steven A. Spencer; Presta; Berman; Bodary
Archives of Ophthalmology, ISSN: 15383601 00039950
Lloyd Paul Aiello; Jill M. Northrup; Keyt; Hitoshi Takagi; Mami A. Iwamoto
Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology, ISSN: 00222828
Sally K. Nelson; Grace H.W. Wong; Joe M. McCord
Current Opinion in Structural Biology, ISSN: 0959440X
Protein Science, ISSN: 1469896X 09618368
Geoffrey F. Lee; Gerald L. Hazelbauer
Journal of Clinical Investigation, ISSN: 00219738
Oster; Fielder; Nancy Levin; Cronin
Journal of Biological Chemistry, ISSN: 00219258
Drewett; Brian M. Fendly; Garbers; David G Lowe
Blood, ISSN: 00064971
Paul Young; Baumhueter; Lasky
Placenta, ISSN: 01434004
Petraglia; Aguzzoli; Gallinelli; Florio; Zonca; Benedetto; Woodruff
Journal of Clinical Investigation, ISSN: 00219738
Hongkui Jin; Renhui Yang; Scot A. Marsters; Avi Ashkenazi; Bunting; Marra; Scott; Baker
Journal of Molecular Biology, ISSN: 00222836
Nicholas J. Skelton; Johan Kördel; Walter J. Chazin
Bioprocess technology, ISSN: 08887470
Croughan; Chiou; Daniel I. C. Wang
International Archives of Allergy and Immunology, ISSN: 14230097 10182438
Robert L. Shields; Winifred R. Werther; Kimberly Zioncheck; O'Connell; Toni Klassen; Brian M. Fendly; Presta; Paula Jardieu
Experimental Lung Research, ISSN: 01902148
Min-Fu Tsan; Julie E. White; Phyllis B. Michelsen; Grace H.W. Wong
Neuron, ISSN: 08966273
Aurea F. Pimenta; Victoria Zhukareva; Mary F. Barbe; Blesilda S. Reinoso; Christopher Grimley; William J. Henzel; Itzhak Fischer; Pat Levitt