
Genentech scientists are encouraged to be creative and active members of the scientific community. We are proud of our publication record in Science, Nature, Cell, and other prestigious peer-reviewed journals, where our annual output consistently rivals or surpasses that of the top academic institutions.

DISPLAYING 13301 - 13350 OF 15217 RESULTS

Princess Takamatsu symposia,
Journal of Aerosol Medicine: Deposition, Clearance, and Effects in the Lung, ISSN: 15579026 08942684
Phipps; Gonda
Annual Reports in Medicinal Chemistry, ISSN: 00657743
Journal of Virology, ISSN: 0022538X
Yolanda S. Lie; Elicia M. Penuel; Mari-Anne L. Low; Nguyen; Jocelyn O. Mangahas; Anderson; Christos J. Petropoulos
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, ISSN: 15206017 00223549
Shahrokh; Stratton; Eberlein; Y. John Wang
Developments in biological standardization, ISSN: 03015149
Robert L. Garnick; Helder
Developments in biological standardization, ISSN: 03015149
O'Connor; Rodney Keck; Reed J. Harris; Field
Molecular and Cellular Biology, ISSN: 02707306
Phillip Belgrader; Jiu Cheng; Xianbo Zhou; Lori S. Stephenson; Lynne E. Maquat
Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy, ISSN: 07533322
Tracy Stewart
Immunity, ISSN: 10747613
Huang; Hultgren; Noel Dybdal; Stewart
Developments in biological standardization, ISSN: 03015149
Helder; Utter
Journal of Cellular Physiology, ISSN: 10974652 00219541
H. Garrett Wada; Katherine S. Fok; Brian M. Fendly; Nancy Y. Chiang; Howard H. Sussman
Protein Science, ISSN: 1469896X 09618368
Jin; James A. Wells
Developments in biological standardization, ISSN: 03015149
Wiebe; Stuart E. Builder
Methods in Cell Biology, ISSN: 0091679X
Kenneth D. Bauer; Jacobberger
European Journal of Neuroscience, ISSN: 14609568 0953816X
Hans R. Widmer; Franz Hefti
Bio/Technology, ISSN: 0733222X
Hart; Philip M. Lester; David H. Reifsnyder; John R. Ogez; Stuart E. Builder
Journal of Neuroscience Research, ISSN: 10974547 03604012
Klaus D. Beck; Franz Hefti; Hans R. Widmer
EMBO Journal, ISSN: 02614189
Luiz F. L. Reis; Heinz Ruffner; Gerlinde Stark; Michel Aguet; Charles Weissmann
Methods in Enzymology, ISSN: 15577988 00766879
Grace H.W. Wong; David V. Goeddel
Journal of Neurobiology, ISSN: 10974695 00223034
Franz Hefti
Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, ISSN: 10974644 07302312
Wolfgang G. Hoeck; Mukku
Journal of Biological Chemistry, ISSN: 00219258
John E. Park; Helen Chen; Jane Winer; Houck; Napoleone Ferrara
Journal of Molecular Biology, ISSN: 00222836
Wayne J. Fairbrother; Dorothea Reilly; Timothy J. Colby; Joseph Hesselgesser; Richard Horuk
Circulation, ISSN: 00097322
William J. Rogers; Laura J. Bowlby; Nisha C. Chandra; William J. French; Joel M. Gore; Costas Lambrew; R. Michael Rubison; Alan J. Tiefenbrunn; W.Douglas Weaver
Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry, ISSN: 14708744 08854513
Hart RA; Giltinan DM; Lester PM; Reifsnyder; Ogez JR; Builder SE
Hepatology, ISSN: 15273350 02709139
James R. Hully; Chang; Ralph H. Schwall; Widmer; Timothy G. Terrell; Nancy Gillett
Methods, ISSN: 10959130 10462023
William J. Henzel; Christopher Grimley; James H. Bourell; Todd M. Billeci; Susan C. Wong; Stults
Journal of Virology, ISSN: 0022538X
Dumith Chequer Bou-Habib; Gregory Roderiquez; Tamás Oravecz; Berman; Paolo Lusso; Michael A. Norcross
Journal of Cell Biology, ISSN: 00219525
Stephen E. Gitelman; Michael S. Kobrin; Jian-Qin Ye; Alfredo R. Lopez; Angela Lee; Rik Derynck
Journal of Clinical Investigation, ISSN: 00219738
Hadley; Zhao-Hai Lu; Kazimiera Wasniowska; Alvin W. Martin; Pelper; Joseph Hesselgesser; Richard Horuk
Molecular and Cellular Biology, ISSN: 02707306
Jiu Cheng; Phillip Belgrader; Xianbo Zhou; Lynne E. Maquat
Journal of Clinical Investigation, ISSN: 00219738
Peter E. Newburger; David G. Skalnik; Penelope J. Hopkins; Elizabeth A. Eklund; John T. Curnutte
European Respiratory Journal, ISSN: 09031936
Phipps; Gonda; Anderson; Bailey; Bautovich
European Respiratory Journal, ISSN: 09031936
Chan; Phipps; Gonda; Cook; Fulton; Young; Bautovich
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, ISSN: 19457197 0021972X
Leah Holloway; Gail E. Butterfield; Hintz; Gesundheit; Robert Marcus
Annals of Neurology, ISSN: 15318249 03645134
Brent G. Petty; David R. Cornblath; Bruce T. Adornato; Vinay Chaudhry; Charles Flexner; Matthew Wachsman; Sinicropi; Louis E. Burton; Peroutka
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, ISSN: 15206017 00223549
Modi; Veng-Pedersen
EMBO Journal, ISSN: 02614189
Cunningham; David G Lowe; Bing Li; Brian D. Bennett; James A. Wells
Annals of Surgery, ISSN: 00034932
Michael A. Rogy; Lyle L. Moldawer; Hester S. A. Oldenburg; William A. Thompson; Walton J. Montegut; Sarah A. Stackpole; Ashwini Kumar; Michael A. Palladino; Marra; Stephen F. Lowry
Journal of Biological Chemistry, ISSN: 00219258
Craig G. Wilde; Jeffrey J. Seilhamer; Michael McGrogan; Nina Ashton; James L. Snable; John C. Lane; Leong; Michael B. Thornton; Miller; Scott; Marra
Nature, ISSN: 00280836
Li Wen; Scott J. Roberts; Joanne L. Viney; F. Susan Wong; Caroline Mallick; R. Craig Findly; Qingshuang Peng; Joseph E. Craft; Michael J. Owen; Adrian C. Mayday
Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience, ISSN: 10447431
Akira Akabayashi; Nancy Levin; Ximena Paez; Jesline T. Alexander; Sarah F. Leibowitz
Experimental Cell Research, ISSN: 00144827
Pepper; Wasi; Napoleone Ferrara; Orci; Montesano
Endocrinology, ISSN: 00137227
Mapoko M. Ilondo; Anders B. Damholt; Cunningham; James A. Wells; Pierre De Meyts; Ronald M. Shymko
Current Opinion in Cell Biology, ISSN: 09550674
James A. Wells
Methods, ISSN: 10959130 10462023
Robert F. Kelley
Journal of Biological Chemistry, ISSN: 00219258
Mark X. Sliwkowski; Gabriele Schaefer; Robert W. Akita; Julie A. Lofgren; V. Danial Fitzpatrick; Andrew Nuijens; Brian M. Fendly; Richard A. Cerione; Richard L. Vandlen; Kermit L. Carraway III
Development (Cambridge), ISSN: 09501991
Gao; Mary E. Hatten
AIDS, ISSN: 02699370
Berman; Eastman; Denise M. Wilkes; Nakamura; Timothy Gregory; David Schwartz; Geoffrey Gorse; Robert Belshe; Mary Lou Clements; Randal A. Byrn