
Genentech scientists are encouraged to be creative and active members of the scientific community. We are proud of our publication record in Science, Nature, Cell, and other prestigious peer-reviewed journals, where our annual output consistently rivals or surpasses that of the top academic institutions.

DISPLAYING 13751 - 13800 OF 15217 RESULTS

Human Molecular Genetics, ISSN: 09646906
Thomas; Drayna
Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, ISSN: 10960384 00039861
G.Kesava Reddy; Sripad Gunwar; Carla B. Green; David T.W. Fei; Chen; Simon C.M. Kwok
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, ISSN: 10902104 0006291X
Lynne J. Eddy; David V. Goeddel; Grace H.W. Wong
Brain Research, ISSN: 00068993
Iacopino; Christakos; Modi; C.Anthony Altar
JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association, ISSN: 15383598 00987484
Moira L. Aitken; Wylie Burke; Gwen McDonald; Shak; A. Bruce Montgomery; Arnold L. Smith
Journal of Experimental Medicine, ISSN: 15409538 00221007
Richard Alexander; Grace H.W. Wong; Gerard M. Doherty; David J. Venzon; Douglas L. Fraker; Jeffrey A. Norton
New England Journal of Medicine, ISSN: 15334406 00284793
Richard C. Hubbard; McElvaney; Birrer; Woodrow W. Robinson; Clara Jolley; Ronald G. Crystal; Shak; Margaret Wu; Milica S. Chernick
Journal of Chromatography A, ISSN: 00219673
Chloupek; William S. Hancock; Lloyd R. Snyder
Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics, ISSN: 10970134 08873585
Anthony A. Kossiakoff; Sintchak; Shpungin; Presta
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, ISSN: 10902104 0006291X
Junko Okabe-Kado; Takashi Kasukabe; Yoshio Honma; Moriaki Hayashi; William J. Henzel; Hozumi
Journal of Biological Chemistry, ISSN: 00219258
Michael J. Eckt; Ultsch; Rinderknecht; De Vos; Stephen R. Sprang
Biochemistry, ISSN: 15204995 00062960
Eastman; Florian M. Wurm; Robert Van Reis; Deborah L. Higgins
Journal of Experimental Medicine, ISSN: 15409538 00221007
Walid Mourad; Khalil Mehindate; Thomas J. Schall; Shaun R. McColl
Biochemistry, ISSN: 15204995 00062960
Diane Pennica; Paul E. Borchardt; Lewis; David V. Goeddel; William J. Kohr; Helga Raab; Brian M. Fendly; Steven J. Shire
Biochemistry, ISSN: 15204995 00062960
Steven M. Potter; Brett A. Johnson; Agnes Henschen; Aswad; Andrew W. Guzzetta
Biochemistry, ISSN: 15204995 00062960
David G Lowe
Biochemistry, ISSN: 15204995 00062960
Michael G. Ambrose; Freese; Mary S. Reinhold; Williie F. Vann; Warner
Biochemistry, ISSN: 15204995 00062960
Soriano-Garcia; Kaillathe Padmanabhan; Alexander Tulinsky; De Vos
Biochemistry, ISSN: 15204995 00062960
Robert F. Kelley; Mark P. O'Connell; Paul J. Carter; Presta; Eigenbrot; Michael Covarrubias; Snedecor; James H. Bourell; David Vetterlein
Biochemistry, ISSN: 15204995 00062960
Robert S. McDowell; Dennis; Michael G. Mulkerrin; Lazarus; Louie; Shuster
Biochemistry, ISSN: 15204995 00062960
Braxton; James A. Wells
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, ISSN: 10902104 0006291X
Peter Gluckman; Nicolin Klempt; Jian Guan; Carina Mallard; Ernest Sirimanne; Mike Dragunow; Martin Klempt; Singh; Chris Williams; Nikolics
Science, ISSN: 00368075
Garcia; Desiderio; Pierre M. Ronco; Pierre J. Verroust; Amzel
Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, ISSN: 10795642
Ik-Kyung Jang; Herman K. Gold; Robert C. Leinbach; John T. Fallon; Desire Collen; Josiah N. Wilcox
Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology, ISSN: 00917451
Lasky; Mark S. Singer; Dowbenko; Yasuyuki Imai; William J. Henzel; Christopher Fennie; Susan R. Watson; Steven D. Rosen
Developments in biological standardization, ISSN: 03015149
Dinowitz; Yolanda S. Lie; Mari-Anne L. Low; Lazar; Fautz; Beverly J. Potts; Sernatinger; Anderson
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, ISSN: 00278424
Paul J. Carter; Presta; Cornelia M. Gorman; John B.B. Ridgway; Henner; Wai Lee T. Wong; Rowland; Claire Kotts; Monique E. Carver; Shepard
Current Opinion in Biotechnology, ISSN: 09581669
Lisa J. Garrard; Eugene A. Zhukovsky
Bioseparation, ISSN: 0923179X
Genes and Development, ISSN: 08909369
Hans-Michael Jantzen; Alice M. Chow; David S. King; Robert Tjian
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, ISSN: 15206017 00223549
Powell; Howard M. Grey; Federico C. A. Gaeta; Alessandro Sette; Colon
Immunology Today, ISSN: 01675699
Louis A. Tartaglia; David V. Goeddel
Biochemistry, ISSN: 15204995 00062960
Martin J. Stone; Peter E. Wright; Wayne J. Fairbrother; Arthur G. Palmer III; Jonathan Reizer; Milton H. Saier Jr.
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, ISSN: 00084077
Marian; Osborne
Journal of Clinical Investigation, ISSN: 00219738
Yung-Kang Fu; Sean Arkins; Germaine Fun; Cunningham; James A. Wells; Sherman Fong; Cronin; Robert Dantzer; Keith W. Kelley
Journal of Clinical Investigation, ISSN: 00219738
Alice M. Boylan; Ruegg; Kim; Hébert; John M. Hoeffel; Robert Pytela; Dean Sheppard; Ira M. Goldstein; V. Courtney Broaddus
Biotechnology Progress, ISSN: 15206033 87567938
Olson; Richard L. Gehant
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, ISSN: 00278424
Gilbert G. Privé; Michael V. Milburn; Liang Tong; Abraham M. Devos; Ziro Yamaizumi; Nishimura; Sung-Hou Kim
Endocrinology, ISSN: 19457170 00137227
Roos; Timothy G. Terrell; Godowski; Steven M. Chamow; Ralph H. Schwall
Journal of Clinical Investigation, ISSN: 00219738
Jaron Rabinovici; Susan J. Spencer; Nicola Doldi; Paul C. Goldsmith; Ralph H. Schwall; Robert B. Jaffe
AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses, ISSN: 19318405 08892229
Nakamura; Randal A. Byrn; Rosenthal; James P. Porter; Hobbs; Riddle; Eastman; Dowbenko; Timothy Gregory; Brian M. Fendly; Berman
Science, ISSN: 00368075
Garcia; Pierre M. Ronco; Pierre J. Verroust; Axel T. Brünger; Amzel
Endocrinology, ISSN: 19457170 00137227
Lyn B. Jakeman; Mather; Woodruff
Molecular Biology of the Cell, ISSN: 10591524
Sommer; Qi-Lin Cheng; Gilbert-Andre Keller; Ching C. Wang
Molecular Biology of the Cell, ISSN: 10591524
Preuss; Jon Mulholland; Alex Franzusoff; Nava Segev; David Botstein
Journal of Experimental Medicine, ISSN: 15409538 00221007
Shalaby; Shepard; Presta; Maria L. Rodrigues; Peter C. L. Beverley; Marc Feldmann; Paul J. Carter
Current Opinion in Biotechnology, ISSN: 09581669
Current Opinion in Structural Biology, ISSN: 0959440X
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, ISSN: 00278424
Michael S. Brown; Joseph L. Goldstein; Kenneth J. Paris; Burnier; James C. Marsters Jr.
Biochemistry, ISSN: 15204995 00062960
Mark Ranee; Peter E. Wright; Wayne J. Fairbrother; Arthur G. Palmer III; Jonathan Reizer; Milton H. Saier Jr.