
Genentech scientists are encouraged to be creative and active members of the scientific community. We are proud of our publication record in Science, Nature, Cell, and other prestigious peer-reviewed journals, where our annual output consistently rivals or surpasses that of the top academic institutions.

DISPLAYING 14851 - 14900 OF 15217 RESULTS

Cell, ISSN: 00928674
Rosenthal; Patricia B. Lindquist; Timothy S. Bringman; David V. Goeddel; Rik Derynck
Nucleic Acids Research, ISSN: 03051048
Froehler; Ng; Matteucci
The Lancet, ISSN: 01406736
Lawrence W. Eddie; Arlene R. Lester; Bennett; Bell; Geier; Paul D. Johnston; Hugh D. Niall
Nucleic Acids Research, ISSN: 03051048
Karen L. Wion; Tuddenham; Lawn
Somatic Cell and Molecular Genetics, ISSN: 07407750 15729931
David Fujii; Brissenden; Rik Derynck; Uta Francke
Springer Seminars in Immunopathology, ISSN: 03444325 14322196
Shalaby; Diane Pennica; Michael A. Palladino
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, ISSN: 10902104 0006291X
Anthony J. Mason; Hugh D. Niall; Peter H. Seeburg
Cell, ISSN: 00928674
Richard L. Gourse; Herman A. de Boer; Masayasu Nomura
Science, ISSN: 00368075
Lasky; Jerome E. Groopman; Christopher Fennie; Patricia M. Benz; Capon; Dowbenko; Nakamura; Nunes; Renz; Berman
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, ISSN: 00278424
McLean; Fielding; Drayna; Dieplinger; Baer; William J. Kohr; William J. Henzel; Lawn
Methods in Enzymology, ISSN: 15577988 00766879
Ronald A. Hitzeman; Chung N. Chang; Matteucci; Jeanne Perry; William J. Kohr; Wulf; James R. Swartz; Christina Y. Chen; Arjun Singh
Science, ISSN: 00368075
Alain B. Schreiber; Winkler; Rik Derynck
Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology, ISSN: 00917451
Rik Derynck; Rosenthal; Patricia B. Lindquist
Journal of the American Chemical Society, ISSN: 15205126 00027863
Thomas R. Webb; Matteucci
Fernstrom Foundation Series, ISSN: 01677004
Axel Ullrich; Bell; Ellson Y. Chen
Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology, ISSN: 00917451
Gordon A. Vehar; Spellman; Keyt; Ferguson; Rodney Keck; Chloupek; Reed J. Harris; William F. Bennett; Stuart E. Builder; William S. Hancock
Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology, ISSN: 00917451
Axel Ullrich; Riedel; Yarden; Lisa Coussens; Gray; Dull; Schlessinger; Waterfield; Parker
Science, ISSN: 00368075
Parker; Lisa Coussens; Nick Totty; Lucy M. Rhee; Susan Young; Ellson Y. Chen; Silvia Stabel; Waterfield; Axel Ullrich
Science, ISSN: 00368075
Anthony J. Mason; Hayflick; Zoeller; Young III; Phillips; Nikolics; Peter H. Seeburg
Science, ISSN: 00368075
Anthony J. Mason; Pitts; Nikolics; Szonyi; Josiah N. Wilcox; Peter H. Seeburg; Stewart
Biochemistry, ISSN: 15204995 00062960
Jane Wilson; William Shalongo; David Lowery; Earle Stellwagen; Robert F. Kelley
Science, ISSN: 00368075
Lisa Coussens; Parker; Lucy M. Rhee; Yang-Feng; Ellson Y. Chen; Waterfield; Uta Francke; Axel Ullrich
Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology, ISSN: 00917451
Steven R. Williams; R.Scott McIvor; Martin Jr.
Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology, ISSN: 00917451
Peter H. Seeburg
Thrombosis and Haemostasis, ISSN: 03406245
Mohler; Refino; Chen; Adair Hotchkiss
Biochemistry, ISSN: 15204995 00062960
Winkler; Michael Blaber
Biochemistry, ISSN: 15204995 00062960
Perry; Wetzel
Biochemical Society Symposium, ISSN: 00678694
Ellson Y. Chen; Lisa Coussens; Yu-Cheng Liao
Journal of Bacteriology, ISSN: 00219193
Bochner; Zylicz; Georgopoulos
Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology, ISSN: 00917451
Lawn; William I. Wood; Jane Gitschier; Karen L. Wion; Eaton; Gordon A. Vehar; Tuddenham
Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, ISSN: 10974644 07302312
Rik Derynck
Biochemistry, ISSN: 15204995 00062960
Dan L. Eaton; Rodriguez; Gordon A. Vehar
Gene amplification and analysis, ISSN: 02752778
Colby; Justus B. Cohen; Yu; Levinson
Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology, ISSN: 00917451
David V. Goeddel; Aggarwal; Patrick W. Gray; Leung; Nedwin; Michael A. Palladino; John R. Patton; Diane Pennica; Shepard; Sugarman
Trends in Pharmacological Sciences, ISSN: 01656147
Michael A. Palladino; Bryan S Finkle
Bio/Technology, ISSN: 0733222X
Etcheverry; Forrester; Ronald A. Hitzeman
Science, ISSN: 00368075
Robert T. Fremeau Jr.; James R. Lundblad; Dolan B. Pritchett; Josiah N. Wilcox; James L. Roberts
Journal of Interferon Research, ISSN: 15577465 01978357
Chen; Vincent R. Anicetti; Toni Klassen; Berthold; Gaby Zahn; Wert Jr.; Geier; Andrew J.S. Jones
Protein Engineering, Design and Selection, ISSN: 17410134 17410126
Protein Engineering, Design and Selection, ISSN: 17410134 17410126
Journal of Virology, ISSN: 0022538X
Patzer; Nakamura; Simonsen; Levinson; Brands
Molecular and Cellular Biology, ISSN: 02707306
Chung N. Chang; Matteucci; Perry; Wulf; Christina Y. Chen; Ronald A. Hitzeman
Tetrahedron Letters, ISSN: 00404039
Molecular Brain Research, ISSN: 0169328X
Goedert; Fine; Hunt; Axel Ullrich
Hospital Practice, ISSN: 87502836
Gordon A. Vehar; Lawn
Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation, ISSN: 15324141 03610918
Michael E. Tarter; William Freeman; Alan Hopkins
Journal of Bacteriology, ISSN: 00219193
Hidenori Shimotsu; Mitzi I. Kuroda; Yanofsky; Henner
Gene, ISSN: 03781119
Shimotsu Hidenori; Henner
Gene, ISSN: 03781119
Henner; Louise Band; Gail W. Flaggs; Ellson Y. Chen
Science, ISSN: 00368075
Jane Gitschier; William I. Wood; Shuman; Lawn