At Genentech, we believe philanthropy can be a powerful driver of change, particularly when aligned with our mission of improving the health and wellbeing of all patients, regardless of race, gender, or socioeconomic status.
In addition to funding requests we receive on a rolling basis throughout the year, which you can learn more about here, we periodically solicit proposals aligned to specific needs and objectives.
Genentech is actively seeking applications for independent medical education.
Click on the link below for more information and detailed instructions on submitting a Request for Proposal (RFP) application:
NEW! Independent Medical Education Request for Proposals - Lymphoma
*Please note that our Funding Request System works best in Chrome and Safari
Genentech launched the Health Equity Innovation Fund in 2019 to invest in bold, game-changing solutions with the potential to transform the healthcare system by eliminating deep-rooted health inequities. By addressing unjust barriers that have prevented all patients, but especially patients of color, from benefiting equally from groundbreaking medical advances, the Innovation Fund is an important way that Genentech is advancing its ambitious Diversity & Inclusion goals.
The Innovation Fund prioritizes support for teams who have firsthand experience with the equity barriers their work addresses and can demonstrate principles of justice, diversity, equity and inclusion in their proposals. Since launching the Fund, Genentech has awarded $38 million to 89 grantees nationwide.
We intend to award an additional $10 million to 10+ grantee partners through a fourth round of funding in 2024. This will bring our total Innovation Fund investments to nearly $50 million in 100+ grantees since 2019.
Learn more about the Innovation Fund and the impact of some of our prior grant recipients here.
*Please note the funding process for RFPs may include additional steps.
Click here for video tutorials, one-page tip sheets, and FAQs on how to use the funding request system.
You will receive a confirmation email upon submission.
Your request will be reviewed for alignment to strategic focus areas and compliance with Genentech's policies
If we need more information to make a decision, you will receive a Request for Information (RFI), or hear from a team member directly.
You will be able to track the status of an application and will receive an email communication regarding the final decision.
If approved, your organization will need to enter into a Letter of Agreement (LOA) with Genentech in order to receive funds.
*Please note that our Funding Request System works best in Chrome and Safari