Find answers to frequently asked questions for suppliers.
Yes, we still require the Supplier Information Packet in order to gather your company information.
Yes, once your company is in the Roche / Genentech system, any personnel may use this vendor ID number to procure goods or services from you and pay for the goods or services you deliver.
For information on any of the above items, please contact our P2P Support Help Desk at 650-467-0810 or by email at [email protected].
Submit the completed Supplier Information Packet forms to the Roche / Genentech team member who contacted you to become a supplier. Or, submit the completed packet via email to [email protected]. Include the subject line: “Completed New Supplier Packet.”
For questions, please contact our P2P Support Help Desk at 650-467-0810 or by email at [email protected].
Genentech typically sends 1099 forms for the previous calendar year to eligible suppliers by January 31 of the year. For example, 1099 forms for tax year 2024 would be sent by January 31, 2025.
Suppliers may add any individual from their company they wish as a contact in the supplier profile. At a minimum, we recommend including the individual(s) from your company who are involved in order processing and invoicing for items we may purchase from you.
Yes, if they are actively involved with Genentech or Roche purchase activity, they will need user credentials to be able to log into myBuy GEPSMART or GEP NEXXE.
Yes. All suppliers will either directly be invited to the platform in a proactive manner, or you will receive the registration link with the first Purchase Order, or Quick Quote Sourcing Event Notification.
If you have not already received an email with a registration link, please contact GEP Support at [email protected] or our P2P Support Team at [email protected] and they will send a registration email with the unique link you need to create your user credentials.
Send an email to [email protected] to delete your ID and then create a new one.
Suppliers can update many elements of their myBuy GEP SMART supplier profile, including:
When requesting changes, keep in mind:
Adding or editing location information or type, changes to your legal company name and identification details, payment terms must be requested from Roche / Genentech. Visit the Genentech website for contact details. Additionally, please don’t make any changes to the transaction type or engagement model section.
You will be able to designate one ordering manager for each of your locations. The ordering manager is the one person responsible for all aspects of order processing for the assigned location. If more than one person at a location needs to receive order notifications, a general email address can be used that all of those people have access to.
Currently, the supplier portal will send orders to the Primary Contact if an Ordering Manager has not been selected. Ordering Managers are set up by location. When an Ordering Manager is selected for a location, he or she will receive order notifications. Please only select one Ordering Manager per location.
Suppliers can send invoices to Genentech for payment in the following ways (unless stated differently in your contract or purchase order):
Invoice Disputes and Inquiries: please contact Genentech's P2P Support for all invoice and order inquiries at 650-467-0810 or email questions to [email protected].
For alternative billing methods such as summary billing or EDI: Vendors with large volumes of invoices (25 or more invoices per month) may qualify for Summary Billing (Microsoft Excel spreadsheet of invoice information) or EDI.
Please contact Genentech's P2P Customer Support for all invoice and order inquiries at 650-467-0810 or email questions to [email protected] for more information.
Citibank Credit Cards: Roche / Genentech uses Corporate Purchasing Cards to pay for low dollar ($5K or less) transactions that are not on a purchase order. Many departments have purchasing cards that can be used for immediate payment. Our card provider is Citibank.
ACH / EFT: As part of Genentech's continuing efforts to improve efficiency, we offer our Automatic Clearing House (ACH) Payment Program. With ACH payments, invoices are paid electronically and no check will be created for your payment.
Benefits to setting up ACH include:
To participate, complete the Electronic Payment Form, date, sign (electronic signature is acceptable) and return it via fax to 800-229-4041 or email [email protected] and mark it to the attention of the VA Team.
Please note that your company and bank must be able to accept ACH / EFT or Wire (some banks charge a fee for wires) transactions since the remittance advice is currently sent to the vendor's bank.
There are various reasons the submitted invoice is blocked for payment. They include:
Yes, you will receive a notification if there is a problem with an invoice you submit for payment so that you can correct the issue.
Invoices will be paid per the established agreement (contract) of net terms or per our standard net 60 terms. In each instance, the P2P Support team can assist in the resolution of open invoices.