Genentech supports grants for independent medical education in an effort to advance excellence in medicine and healthcare and improve patient health outcomes by enhancing the knowledge of the medical community.
Independent Medical Education (IME) is generally defined as education for healthcare professionals (HCPs) provided by an independent educational provider, such as a community hospital, academic center, society/association or medical education and communication company.
Before you submit an application, we encourage you to explore the following materials to learn more about our opportunities for funding, eligibility requirements and considerations, and the process for submitting a proposal within our system.
All aspects related to IME including but not limited to the agenda, content, and faculty, must remain fully independent and be under the sole control of the activity organizers. Genentech will not provide any guidance to the IME provider. All accredited programs must follow the standards set forth in the ACCME Standards for Integrity and Independence in Accredited Continuing Education.
Genentech is actively seeking applications for independent medical education.
Click on the link below for more information and detailed instructions on submitting a Request for Proposal (RFP) application:
NEW! Independent Medical Education Request for Proposals - Lymphoma
What to know and materials to gather before you apply:
*Please note the funding process for RFPs may include additional steps.
Click here for video tutorials, one-page tip sheets, and FAQs on how to use the funding request system.
You will receive a confirmation email upon submission.
Your request will be reviewed for alignment to strategic focus areas and compliance with Genentech's policies
If we need more information to make a decision, you will receive a Request for Information (RFI), or hear from a team member directly.
You will be able to track the status of an application and will receive an email communication regarding the final decision.
If approved, your organization will need to enter into a Letter of Agreement (LOA) with Genentech in order to receive funds.
*Please note that our Funding Request System works best in Chrome and Safari