
Launched in 2022, Futurelab+ aims to increase the number of students receiving a quality high school biotech education by offering a free curriculum designed by and for teachers. The industry- and standards-aligned curriculum provides educators with classroom resources and embeds biotech professionals in classrooms. This powerful combination helps students better understand the real-world applications of what they’re learning and gain exposure to various career options available within the biotech industry.

Just 35% of U.S. high schools offer biotech as part of their curricula, and most schools are located in higher-income districts.1 This limits the potential for students – especially those from low-income schools and communities underrepresented in STEM – to gain the exposure, skills and experiences that can eventually lead to well-paid careers in science and medicine. In addition, high school science classes often focus on lab-based activities and rarely cover the full product development life cycle, which prevents students from understanding and experiencing the breadth of careers they might pursue across the biotech industry.

To address these challenges, we’ve invested an additional $10 million to create Futurelab+, an initiative to scale the impact of our successful South San Francisco-based Futurelab science education partnership. Building on our more than $37 million investment in South San Francisco schools since 2015, Futurelab+ aims to reach 1.5 million more high schoolers across the U.S. by 2026 with innovative resources and tools, including:

  • The Futurelab+ Curriculum: The centerpiece of Futurelab+ is a new, industry- and standards-aligned high school biotech curriculum written by and for teachers. The curriculum covers three years of instruction combining the latest scientific concepts across the full product life cycle – from molecule discovery to medicine development, manufacturing and delivery – and includes hands-on labs that are easy to execute without expensive equipment. Lessons feature interactive resources, career exploration tools, and groundbreaking content addressing the importance of advancing inclusivity and representation in clinical research – both key focus areas for Genentech and critical issues to introduce to young people contemplating careers in STEM. The modular and flexible curriculum is free to teachers across the U.S. – an innovative open-source approach that can serve as a model for other education and industry initiatives to build on.
  • Volunteerism: Futurelab+ connects teachers and students to biotech professionals to enhance the curriculum. with virtual classroom visits to share real-world applications of biotech concepts, help students develop industry-aligned skills, and guide exploration of the full range of career opportunities available in science and medicine.

Since launching in September 2022, the Futurelab+ biotech curriculum has already helped teachers reach more than 690,000 high school students, including 62% from low-income Title I schools.

See how educators are using the Futurelab+ curriculum and associated resources to facilitate important biotech lessons in the classroom, and flip through the slideshow below for photos and perspectives from teachers who helped design and implement the curriculum.

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1 Asking the Wrong Questions About American Science Education: Insights from a Longitudinal Study of High School Biotechnology Lab Instruction. https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.11.29.470152v1.full.