Resilient Beginnings Network

In partnership with the Center for Care Innovations, Genentech launched the Resilient Beginnings Collaborative in 2018 as a learning program dedicated to addressing childhood adversity in pediatric safety net care settings. The program supported the participation of seven Bay Area safety net clinics over two years with the aim to improve pediatric care for 50,000 low-income kids and caregivers across the Bay Area.

Now, building on the successful implementation of the Resilient Beginnings Collaborative, the Center for Care Innovations and Genentech have launched the Resilient Beginnings Network (RBN) to advance pediatric models for trauma-informed care. Through RBN, 15 Bay Area clinics will receive $120,000 in grant funding and technical assistance over the course of three years to:

  • Create a trauma-informed and healing-centered clinic and organizational environment
  • Improve support for staff well-being
  • Promote resilience, wellness, and protective factors to lower the risk of developing the physical and mental illnesses linked to adverse childhood experiences (ACEs)
  • Test, implement, and spread clinical practices to prevent, identify, respond to, and heal trauma and early childhood adversity
  • Build and strengthen community relationships so coordination efforts meet community, patient, and family needs.