
Whole Family Wellness

Growing awareness about the impact of trauma on health disparities led California to start reimbursing providers to screen patients in the Medi-Cal system for Adverse Childhood Experiences, or ACEs. However, little is known about how screening for ACEs can support a whole family approach to care; how to incorporate the strengths and resilience of children, families, and communities into a response to ACEs; or how to fund and sustain such an approach.

In response to this pressing need, Genentech is supporting the University of California San Francisco alongside the Office of the California Surgeon General and the California Department of Health Care Services to conduct a three-year research project to develop, implement, and test a Whole Family Wellness model of primary care. Findings will provide critical guidance to statewide and national efforts to address trauma and achieve health equity for children and families.

If the intervention succeeds, it will become a blueprint for a whole-family wellness model of primary care to improve outcomes for low-income children and families.