Cervical Cancer is a Largely Preventable Disease

Cervical cancer is the third most common cancer in women worldwide, affecting over 500,000 women and resulting in approximately 275,000 deaths every year.

The American Cancer Society estimates 95% of cervical cancer could be prevented or effectively cured with regular screening.

But in the United States, ~4,000 women die every year from cervical cancer and it is estimated that ~30% of U.S. women do not receive regular screenings according to the CDC.

Learn more about cervical cancer here.

Genentech has led three efforts to alter cervical cancer’s trajectory:

  • Quest Innovation Challenge: A contest to find new approaches to prevent cervical cancer.
  • Cervical Cancer Screening Education: An awareness campaign for primary care physician offices.
  • Data Competition: A data science competition to identify women at risk for skipping cervical cancer screening.