Shipment Issues

Damaged Products and Other Shipment Issues

Please report all delivery issues to the appropriate party as soon as possible.

For orders placed directly with Genentech call Customer Service at (800) 551-2231 for the following:

  • Damaged packages – your shipment was received damaged from one of Genentech’s Distribution Centers
  • Tag Alert – the temperature tag alert has been triggered
  • Variance in Shipped Quantities – you received too much, too little, or the wrong product
  • Shipment Not Received – the shipment never arrived
  • Other Issues

For orders placed through Genentech Patient Foundation* please call the Foundation directly at (888)-941-3331.

*Formerly known as the Genentech Access To Care Foundation)

For sample products contact your local Genentech Representative.

For orders placed through other suppliers (e.g., wholesalers) contact your supplier.